Originally posted by mayo49:
Originally posted by Marvin49:
Originally posted by modninerfan:
Originally posted by mayo49:
Originally posted by DonnieDarko:
Originally posted by mayo49:
The outside of the stadium looks like a bunch of giant tooth picks. That's the only gig it has.
thats one side of the stadium, the other side is glass
I hope they use that green tinted glass, that looks sharp as hell. They should also use some bricks in the front instead of the tooth pics.
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First of all... Brick structure in the Bay??? Earthquakes bro...
Second of all... Bricks and green tinted windows? This is silicon valley, not Green Bay Wisconsin.
Dude...Mayo....are you FROM the Bay Area?
If you are than you should know that we don't use bricks here for the same reason that most houses don't have basements. Bricks don't "give" in the even of an earthquake. That break and collapse.
As for your "toothpick" think, yer just gonna have to get over it. What people don't understand about the design is this this is all function over form. It won't be ugly by any stratch, bu tthey concentration here is on game-day experience, bot "how does it look from space".
There's no right way or wrong way to do it. I just like the look, like Lambeau and Soldier Field. Don't worry I'll get over it.
I'm just sayin.....The brick thing won't work because THEY WOULD COLLAPE IN AN EARTHQUAKE.

The don't build stuff out of brick out here.
If you saw the rest of the buildings in the area, the open design, white paints and glass make it look alot like the buildings around it.
No worries tho...when that thing is built I think everyone will love it.
[ Edited by Marvin49 on Mar 30, 2012 at 9:27 AM ]