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Levi's Stadium pics and info...

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Originally posted by CrimsonCrew:
I did the tour of Levi's stadium yesterday. Very cool. It's hard to say how it will be during games, but we got to see several of the clubs, suites, etc. All those things that I certainly won't get to see on game day. Those were pretty darn nice, though I don't have anything to compare them with.

The stadium itself is nice. There was a lot of criticism that it lacked personality after the soccer game. I don't think the structure gives a place personality, though. I think that's more the fan base. I'm curious to see how the noise is. All the expensive seats are on the one side (club outdoor seating and luxury boxes), and I worry those sections are not going to be nearly as loud and engaged. That said, I'd think the cheering from the opposite side would reverberate off the tower of suites. We'll see. The planes do go right overhead, but they weren't as loud as I thought they'd be. The museum was also cool and fun, though not really mind-blowing (didn't have time to stroll through it, unfortunately, but spend probably 90 minutes inside).

Anyway, not sure when I'll be able to afford a ticket, but I think it will be a good place to play. I just hope the passionate fans will be able to get there.

Thanx for the heads up. I'll be at the game Sunday and look forward to seeing the stadium and all it's glory lol.
Originally posted by mayo49:
I guess instead of just screwing up part of the field, they're going to go ahead and go for the whole field this time.

They should cancel all events, retire the use of the stadium, and turn it into a loving memorial for perfect grass.
  • mayo49
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Originally posted by captveg:
They should cancel all events, retire the use of the stadium, and turn it into a loving memorial for perfect grass.

  • THEB
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  • Posts: 3,760
FYI, the tarps are usually put down to reflect UV rays and keep the grass cool. Especially in california where they have a limited water usage rule during the drought, they cant water nearly as much as they normally would. This helps them in watering less and keeping the grass from drying out and dying.
Originally posted by THEB:
FYI, the tarps are usually put down to reflect UV rays and keep the grass cool. Especially in california where they have a limited water usage rule during the drought, they cant water nearly as much as they normally would. This helps them in watering less and keeping the grass from drying out and dying.

ew, dont say smart things. this is the webzone, just overreact and insult people
  • mayo49
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  • Posts: 65,115
Originally posted by THEB:
FYI, the tarps are usually put down to reflect UV rays and keep the grass cool. Especially in california where they have a limited water usage rule during the drought, they cant water nearly as much as they normally would. This helps them in watering less and keeping the grass from drying out and dying.

THEB, your making too much sense. Stop it.
Did anyone park in Red Lot 6 for the Earthquakes Game?

I'm wondering if they are closing down Northbound traffic on Great America Parkway towards 237 to get into the game. Because you can't make a left turn after Old Mountain View Alviso Road (Red Lot 7) until Tasman because there is a concrete median.

Also, any creative ideas for tailgating food without an open flame?

  • mayo49
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  • Posts: 65,115
Looks like they finally patched up the damaged turf on the field.
  • THEB
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 3,760
yeah they did that 3 or 4 days ago. They simply cut the dead grass out and replanted

[ Edited by THEB on Aug 12, 2014 at 4:15 PM ]
Originally posted by THEB:
yeah they did that 3 or 4 days ago. They simply cut the dead grass out and replanted

like it even matters, it's not even a playing surface
  • THEB
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 3,760
it matters for aesthetics. gotta keep a professional stadium looking professional.
I wonder if they're going to keep that plain red padding around the field or change it to one with Niner logos and stuff
Originally posted by DonnieDarko:
like it even matters, it's not even a playing surface

yeah, that's where the gold rush, niner noise, photographers, etc. will be meandering about....
Got my tickets today!
Out of curiosity...

Anybody here buy tickets to the Red Zone Rally tailgate over at Great America Pavilion? If so, have you received those tickets (or anything) in the mail? I can print my tickets online, but I expected to get something by now (and my account rep has not responded at all).
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