I don't care if you just tore off a nice 30 yard run, don't you ever step out of bounds, drop your shoulder and put a lick on the tackler!
O-linemen that stand around after the play has moved way down field make me crazy! stay in contact with your man, if there is god forbid a fumble you will have to kick his ass again! If the play breaks for a score, the defender should be flat on his back with you looming over him, better yet find another defender and hit him, the whistle has not blown!
I don't care if you are a little speedy DB and the fullback is a beast, you will stick you nose in there and put a hat on him if I see another arm tackle we are all running laps!
No time for horsing around after a play forget all that jumping around an celebrating the tackle/ first down. Time to start thinking about the next play, because there always little tells about how a team huddles, what formation they line up in who lust ran out for the next play, we play football from kick off to close, let those guys play from snap to whistle, we got a game!
Running backs, you are not aloud to let a db tackle you!
O-line if it is in a walk at the snap you kill it! linebackers asses are for kicking!
Punching nut grabbing pinching are all expected in fumble recovery!
Cutting and crack-back blocks will be taught, and called for until the day they are outlawed!
A stiff arm is better than a juke, dancing is for saturday night not friday night! (or I guess sunday)
Any way these are the types of things that say tough minded to me! Tough minded is making the players do it again in practice until they are perfect, not just good enough! Tough minded is seldom a players coach, but it not a dictatorial jack ass either, tough minded is great, but you have to be an open door coach of the practice field! The players love and respect is more import than their friendship or having them fear you!
[ Edited by GolittaCamper on Jul 4, 2009 at 1:40 PM ]