Originally posted by Sabrason:Originally posted by singfan:Originally posted by jsaniner:Originally posted by singfan:Originally posted by SanFranAddic:Originally posted by singfan:
"Tough minded football" sure sounds good, doesn't it? It's a phrase that people will buy into right away without stopping to actually consider what the hell it means. Sing comes in here and throws around phrases like that and "physical with an F" in order to create buy-in. He's a motivational speaker, He's going to say what he thinks you need to hear. What you need to do is pay attention to his actual football moves. When you dispense with all the hot air, you're going to find that he hasn't done one impressive thing yet. His hires have been borderline atrocious. His handling of the recent OTA's was over the top ridiculous.
"Tough minded football", wow, what team doesn't want to be tough? Seriously, this is the NFL. Being tough is a basic requirement of NFL existence, it's not a unique philosophy that Sing just invented. "Tough minded football" is just a smokescreen that provides cover for absolute organizational randomness.
Are you going to stop this BS if/when they start winning? Or do we have to listen to this crap for the whole season? I have to say, I'm tired of it already.
I do not think of it as BS really. I guess, if Sing is somehow successful, then I will have to stand up like a man and say I was wrong. That is how I role. With integrity, responsibility and, most of all, big balls.
There are certainly a couple of other paths I could take. There are a few examples that I can think of regarding former Nolan supporters that chose to not acknowledge their past allegiance to him. Those that think everybody has somehow forgotten what they once stood for. Let me tell you something right now. Singfan will never, ever, go out like that. I just don't find it respectable. I can take my lumps, I will not hide.
I think the correct spelling is roll , as 'roll with the punch' or 'roll out the barrel'. Role refers to a part in a play. Back to remedial English for you my friend. Your knowledge of the language is on a par with....well, you know.
You would be correct. Score one for jsaniner.... it's been a long time coming for you.
See, this is how you man up and admit that you were wrong. I didn't dodge this or make excuses. Where are the former Nolan dudes at?
I love how the supporters will resort to attacking someone's spelling when they have nothing legitimate to come back with? Stop the nonsense. This isn't English class and a lot of people in here are very informal and don't go nuts worrying about the correct spelling of EVERY SINGLE WORD nevermind the fact that when typing quickly wrong keys can be hit, etc. I've seen a ton of incorrect spelling but don't go crying about it. Get over it.
Since you're apparently so concerned with spelling, I assume yoo sent a letter to 49ers headquarters requesting clarification of MS's bizarre "Physical with an F" comment, right? Personally, I would love to know under what circumstances MS considers it appropriate to spell physical with an F so keep me posted.
No score for JSAniner for calling out unimportant, unrelated nonsense.
You nitpicked one of my previous posts saying I had too much time on my hands. Well, you spent three paragraphs saying my correction of Singfan's english was not relevant. So who has too much time on his hands?
At least Singfan was gracious in admitting his error. Of course it wasn't that important, but can't we have a little fun sometimes?
For the record I was one who believed in Nolan and I was wrong. I really think Singletary is different, but I could wrong about that too.