Originally posted by KasparHauser:
Originally posted by Kolohe:
Originally posted by SanFranAddic:
Originally posted by lamontb:
Only the fans care bout the Nolan thing, Him and the players could careless...
The Broncos players may not care, but the more Alex succeeds, the more Nolan looks like a failure at handling him. I want to see at least two TD's by Alex, and it would be awesome for one of them be a bomb.
Can I ask which part besides the part about handling Smith injury did Nolan mishandle Smith??
Wow - really? You're a moderator, looking at the site all day and the only fault you saw in Nolan's handling of Smith is the injury?
1. Starting him as rookie on a horrible team.
2. Not hiring an OC that would stick around for more than 1 year.
3. Not firing the line coach after 2005 and making the 55+ sacks per year go away.
4. Not drafting OL or receivers in early rounds.
5. Generally not standing behind the QB the way most NFL coaches do. At some point that both he and Alex were on the hotseat, and he gladly pointed fingers at the then 22 yo QB.
1. David Carr, Peyton Manning, Tim Couch, Drew Bledsoe, Troy Aikman and so on, started on worst teams or started period, why shouldn't Smith ??
2. So how did you know every OC in years past would split??
3. I think 3, and 4 go together, for one, Warhop was given a chance due to the talent on the OL. Two, we did draft Adam Snyder, David Baas on the first day on of the draft, sure it was two different years, but its not like the coach wasn't paying attention to the OL, they also brought in Larry Allen, and we did have Jeremy Newberry in '05.
5. They both were in such a feud in 2007, but it was mended before the start of 2008 season, never heard anything after that. Don't all coaches and players go through some type of feud, if not where have you been lately. See my example of Vermiel and Johnson up above.
Sorry if I'm not in the majority who think it was ALL Nolan's fault. Am I glad Nolan is gone, sure, but the way he handled Smith is a bit over exaggerated.