Originally posted by MadDog49er:
Jamie Dukes is one of the stupidest people sucking oxygen on the planet, so I wouldn't get too excited.
How does this guy have a job? Nobody else is better qualified, more intelligent, more insightful?
Haven't we already filled the quota for loud-mouthed, brash-talking, brain-damaged former NFL players for the next millenia?
If these networks want to raise the bar, they need to find more Robert Smiths (the smartest guy to put on a helmet), and dump the morons/meatheads (E. Smith, Dukes, etc.). Anybody who thinks Michael Vick is ready to play QB in the NFL surely has taken way too many blows to the head.
P.S. Somehow, I can't get that ringing vibration out of my head, when Dukes said that "Michael Vick made...a mistake". Dear Mr. Dukes, a mistake is when you hit a tennis ball over the fence, and it strikes a nun, or Mormon riding a bike; or, when you've had far too much to drink and decide to hit on the hottest babe in the bar...who also has a 6'6", 275 boyfriend. Systematically raising dogs to maul each other for sport, including some of your own pets, stringing up "less performing dogs" and shooting them while laughing, lying to the Commisioner, lying to the American people, lying your team owner about your non-involvement.....WHICH ONE WAS THE "MISTAKE".
Genius, Mr. Dupes.
Mad Dog, I love your PS....Last week I turned on Nfl Network, and Rich Eison (does that guy ever sleep) had a show with Michael Irvin and Deon Sanders. The only thing I took away from the 5 minutes before I changed the channel was that both Irrvin and Sanders loved themselves, and it was a shame they could marry themselves.
I know the network only started several years ago but it is pretty sickening to watch some of the crap. Charles Robinson (not sure if that is his last name) seemed to loved every draft pick during the combines and after the draft, but then changed his mind when questioned.
I like Woodson, Marshall Falk and a few other ex-jocks, but some of these guys are just plain dumb or too egotistical to watch.