Originally posted by jerryricefan80:
Originally posted by mayo63:
DHB got $38M over 5yrs., just give Crabtree something similar. Wouldn't $35M over 5 yrs. do it. If not, the guy is a greedy b*****d and I don't want him on our team. 
You can't base a regular contract off of crazy Al Davis and the Raiders front office contracts they agree to. DHB was overpaid. Crabs, his "advisor" and Parker are basing their contract needs off of a predicted draft position that never occurred.
Personally, I think it would be bad for the future if the team offers Crab a contract anywhere close to the DHB terms, and especially bad if they cave in and give him more than DHB. Can you imagine future draft picks and free agents saying, "you gave him more money, what about me"??
I wouldn't mind a deal closer to the #9 slot, or maybe slightly more. But anything near DHB's deal is trouble for the franchise trying to sign future picks.