I just saw this on Matt Barrow's Blog:
The following was waiting for me in my e-mail basket when I woke up this morning. Is there anyone on the team or otherwise who can help out Maj. Hogan and his band of 49ers followers?
My name is Major Eric Hogan, and our battalion of reservists deployed out of Mare Island, Vallejo in January 09. We are 49er fanatics (2 are season ticket holders), and are REALLY looking forward to this season, especially the QB duel now going on (Go Alex). Only problem is that AFN (the military's television network) will not show any 49er games. I have almost 100 soldiers who would give anything to be able to see the games. I am trying to find someone in the 49ers organization who might be able to send us a DVD/blue-ray of the games so we could watch them. We actually have a large conference room with a huge plasma we could use for this (we even have a Blue-Ray player).
I would be happy to pay for anything that this would cost, but I really need to know who to ask, and I am thinking you probably know the right people to put me in touch with. Anything you could do would be very much appreciated. I know this would be a HUGE morale booster.
Yes it would and yes, they deserve it!!!
Does anyone have any idea or possibly a contact to help these guys out?
Thought I would be bring it to light here at the Zone.
Oh, and thank God for our troops and may He bless them.
[ Edited by ninertico on Aug 14, 2009 at 9:44 AM ]
Originally posted by TheChozen: I dropped my sunday ticket this year or I would be happy to burn the games and send em.
I'm sure that's illegal though homie
I'm not selling em for profit, just helping some 9er fans to see the games. Besides, when it comes to our troops, they deserve every respect and chance to enjoy whatever it is they desire. They risk their lives for mine. I could never be grateful enough.
Originally posted by TheChozen: I dropped my sunday ticket this year or I would be happy to burn the games and send em.
I'm sure that's illegal though homie
I'm not so sure that it would be. You wouldn't be rebroadcasting the games. It would pretty much be the same as saving the game on DVR and watching it later with friends. I don't understand why they don't ask a family member to burn the games to disc in the first place. Hell! Even if it is illegal, who going to prosecute someone for sending football games to our troops? Talk about getting roasted in the press.
Originally posted by TheChozen: I dropped my sunday ticket this year or I would be happy to burn the games and send em.
I'm sure that's illegal though homie
I'm not selling em for profit, just helping some 9er fans to see the games. Besides, when it comes to our troops, they deserve every respect and chance to enjoy whatever it is they desire. They risk their lives for mine. I could never be grateful enough.
They could sign up for NFL rewind, get every game of the season on the internet for $40. ONly catch is that the games aren't available live, but if they are willing to wait on someone from the 49ers to send them teh games on DVD, I'm sure they wouldn't mind waiting the few hours of maybe a day to get the game online. All they would need is a laptop to plug into the plasma TVs they have and show the games on them. Sounds like the easiest and most legal way to handle this.