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oldman9er's first half observations

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Originally posted by BETTERDAYZ9ERS:

A.Smith pass short right to J.Morgan to SF 29 for 14 yards (C.Bailey).

I as well as the broadcast guy (not Erick Davis) thought Coach should have asked for a measurement. If not maybe throw a challenge flag. Unless the booth had a good view of where Morgan's knee touched.

Yes, from my recollection, I can agree that it was close enough to warrant a challenge.
Originally posted by oldman9er:
Originally posted by BETTERDAYZ9ERS:

A.Smith pass short right to J.Morgan to SF 29 for 14 yards (C.Bailey).

I as well as the broadcast guy (not Erick Davis) thought Coach should have asked for a measurement. If not maybe throw a challenge flag. Unless the booth had a good view of where Morgan's knee touched.

Yes, from my recollection, I can agree that it was close enough to warrant a challenge.

Something Coach and the rest of the staff can work on before the season starts.
Originally posted by oldman9er:
Originally posted by oldninerdude:

Looks like you would agree with my assessment of K. Mitchell--that he's worth keeping around? He's got the NT size, and appears to have a non stop motor and a mean attitude.

I'd consider keeping him on the 53 man roster, simply cause guys who can play NT are rare, and he seems to have serious potential at NT. I know its early, but if he keeps showing up the way he did vs. Denver, he has to be considered. IMHO.

Yes, so far... as you stated, it's very early to judge. If he plays as well as what we have seen thus far? Definitely would look to keep him on the P-squad. If he plays even better as he goes? I would very much want him on the 53 man roster. This is all coming from someone with little faith in Franklin... so I might be inclined to trade or cut Franklin right away if Mitchell keeps it up. Mitchell has a ways to go, but me likey so far.

(also been pretty impressed with RJF, but that probably shows already)

Yes, I am equally impressed with RJF.

NTs are so rare, tho. If Mitchell continues to improve and show what he has so far, I'd be a little concerned about putting him on the PS.
Dayum! Somebody needs something else to do!
Of all the defensive lineman on Friday night, I definitely thought Khalif Mitchell stood out. I'll be eager to see him play against the Raiders. Then we'll know if we really have something with him - I'm hoping.
Originally posted by oldman9er:
Originally posted by BETTERDAYZ9ERS:

A.Smith pass short right to J.Morgan to SF 29 for 14 yards (C.Bailey).

I as well as the broadcast guy (not Erick Davis) thought Coach should have asked for a measurement. If not maybe throw a challenge flag. Unless the booth had a good view of where Morgan's knee touched.

Yes, from my recollection, I can agree that it was close enough to warrant a challenge.

On a close play they could have just asked for a measurement without using a challenge I think. I agree that it was close enough to challenge on, I posted either earlier in this thread or in that monstrosity of a QB competition thread to that fact.
Originally posted by Memphis9er:
Excellent job OM9!

Great job!
OM9 - you keep this up and you'll quickly become the boards best analyst!

BTW: I appreciate your comments and even more so, your objective perspective!

Keep up the GREAT work - much appreciated by all.
Originally posted by NCommand:
OM9 - you keep this up and you'll quickly become the boards best analyst!

BTW: I appreciate your comments and even more so, your objective perspective!

Keep up the GREAT work - much appreciated by all.

I thank you and others, but I don't want or care to be regarded as the board's best anything. Just want to be a regular fella like everyone while talking niner football. That said, as long as I have time, I'm gonna do this. I figure, I want to know what goes on as much as possible. During live games, there's so much to miss that replaying everything clears up the doubts. So typing it out sure beats writing it down... and if I can share what I see, then great.
Could you summarize the pass rush and the oline performance? If you want could you give us your thoughts on the people who will make the team?
thanks for the analysis.

Originally posted by Ninefan56:
Could you summarize the pass rush and the oline performance? If you want could you give us your thoughts on the people who will make the team?
thanks for the analysis.

I'll see what I can do there when more time becomes available...

4th Quarter

Denver Broncos continued. DEN SFO

1st and 10 at SF 37 (15:00) (Shotgun) C.Simms pass deep right to B.Lloyd ran ob at SF 12 for 25 yards. Caught at SF 14. 10 9
base D... Jay Moore drops in a short zone... Briggs is the other OLB... Briggs gets good burst on rush, but gets stoned by RT... Egboh and RJF (on the ends) both get doubled and well neutralized... Mitchell shoves the OC backwards 6 yds and close to QB... 4 seconds and the deep ball is out... Lloyd with a beautiful catch, had steps on plenty of distance from Reggie Smith.
1st and 10 at SF 12 (14:35) P.Hillis left tackle to SF 10 for 2 yards (K.Mitchell).
base D... good effort by Briggs, but he can't get to the RB from his position... Jay Moore holds up very well vs the LT, and sheds enough to close the intended rush gap. Egbog got mauled by a double team, still didn't go too far from the play... RJF got nice push penetration on his man, and turned to help on the tackle... Mitchell held up beautifully on the OC, and made the tough tackle... McKillop took a guess on the hole, but was a little off and ineffective
2nd and 8 at SF 10 (13:50) (Shotgun) P.Hillis left end to SF 8 for 2 yards (M.Hudson).
4 DL with J Moore split wider at LE... draw play probably intended up the gut, but Mitchell destroyed the OC... nearly shoved him into the RB... not much else... Briggs either tripped or got shoved back on his arse, which would really have opened up a big run if not for good tackling by Hudson... who shed a block nicely to get there.
3rd and 6 at SF 8 (13:05) (Shotgun) C.Simms pass incomplete short left to C.Jackson.
4 DL... niners cram the LOS with 2 more (Hudson + McKillop)... J Moore gets doubled... McKillop and Hudson drop back in middle zone... Briggs gets a double... RJF gets a little upfield and helps Briggs with the OL and blocking TE... the key player is J Moore... as he takes 2 and then 3 OL as Mitchell stunts around them all and applies sick pressure to the QB... Mitchell and RJF on the other side force QB to throw it away.
4th and 6 at SF 8 (12:55) M.Prater 26 yard field goal is GOOD, Center-L.Paxton, Holder-B.Kern. 10 9
M.Prater kicks 64 yards from DEN 30 to SF 6. M.Spurlock to SF 18 for 12 yards (T.Carter).
Timeout at 12:45.
DRIVE TOTALS: DEN 10 SF 9, 10 plays, 69 yards, 1 penalty, 4:49 drive, 2:09 elapsed

San Francisco 49ers at 12:51, (1st play from scrimmage 12:45) DEN SFO

1st and 10 at SF 18 (12:45) D.Huard FUMBLES (Aborted) at SF 14, recovered by SF-T.Clayton at SF 18. T.Clayton to SF 21 for 3 yards (D.Reid).
quick pull block from Toledo, but weak block... Wallace hit a brick wall... looked like #77 Bender at RG, and he got stoned and dropped ugly... Marvel fought hard, but got very little push.... just ugly all around blocking result
2nd and 7 at SF 21 (12:05) D.Huard pass incomplete deep right to M.Spurlock (A.Smith).
Every OL except for Wallace held well enough on this 5 second play action pass. Wallace got shoved backwards about 4 yards by one defender... underthrown deep ball by Huard to Spurlock... who had a step
3rd and 7 at SF 21 (11:56) (Shotgun) D.Huard pass short right to J.Finley to SF 30 for 9 yards (J.Moss, V.Fox). Caught at SF 29.
Most everyone did well enough on blocking... except for RB Clayton letting a DB by... 4 second pass play
1st and 10 at SF 30 (11:16) D.Huard pass short middle to T.Clayton to SF 41 for 11 yards (W.Woodyard). Caught at SF 30.
Sims kept in front of the OLB (Ayers), but was nearly pushed back into the QB... all other blocks were fine on this 3.5 second pass... decent catch and RAC yds by Clayton
1st and 10 at SF 41 (10:35) T.Clayton right tackle to SF 41 for no gain (S.Larsen). SF-T.Clayton was injured during the play. He is Out.
T.Clayton injured on play.
another pull block for Toledo (LG), he gets there quick, but doesn't engage well... RG Spanos + OC Wallace did okay... Marvel got crumpled badly by the DE (embarassing)... Clayton injured... that sucks.
2nd and 10 at SF 41 (10:13) K.Sheets right tackle to SF 43 for 2 yards (M.Thomas).
Marvel and Wallace get second level blocks on LBs... Spanos shoved back a yard, but recovers with a shove of his own... very nice push by Toledo crashing right... lane fills quickly
3rd and 8 at SF 43 (9:25) (Shotgun) D.Huard pass short right to J.Hill to DEN 44 for 13 yards (J.Bell). Caught at DEN 45.
hard to fully blame Sims, as it was clear he had help from Toledo, but neither blocked their man well as he split them... it was a deep enough QB drop and quick enough throw to not be a major problem. All other blocking was adequate... nice hitch route and catch by J Hill.
1st and 10 at DEN 44 (8:43) K.Sheets right guard to DEN 40 for 4 yards (S.Larsen).
great anticipation by LOLB... Marvel would clearly have given up a sack if it had been a pass... Spanos got lifted up and driven back 1 yd... remaining OL did well enough... not a lot of push still
2nd and 6 at DEN 40 (8:03) D.Huard pass short right to B.Miller for 40 yards, TOUCHDOWN. Caught at DEN 38. 10 17
Sims beaten badly outside (good thing it was a quick pass to the other side)... remaining OL did not look good... being out-muscled at the POA... clever play (Miller TD) called at the perfect time (as they blitzed heavy from that side).
Timeout #1 by DEN at 07:55.
TWO-POINT CONVERSION ATTEMPT. D.Huard pass to B.Pascoe is complete. ATTEMPT SUCCEEDS. 10 17
nearly 5 seconds for QB (pretty good considering field position)... excellent low block by Sheets to give Huard time... good enough block by Toledo to slow the rush... Marvel failed to keep blocking Huard's biggest threat. (guys, Marvel just looks like a plodding OG so far) pretty fortunate catch by Pascoe in lots of traffic. A+ effort for going to get the ball, Pascoe.
A.Romero kicks 68 yards from SF 30 to DEN 2. K.McKinley to DEN 21 for 19 yards (J.Word-Daniels, S.McKillop).
DRIVE TOTALS: DEN 10 SF 17, 9 plays, 82 yards, 4:56 drive, 7:05 elapsed

Denver Broncos at 7:55, (1st play from scrimmage 7:40) DEN SFO

1st and 10 at DEN 21 (7:40) D.Walker up the middle to DEN 23 for 2 yards (P.Egboh).
3 DL... J Moore standing... DB comes up to the line... Moore engaged TE and slides in toward RB up the gut... Egboh slips in free as the RT goes to block in second level... Egboh arcs in to tackle RB... Mitchell holds the LOS strong... RJF holds well at LOS, probably would have tackled the RB from behind had he made it that far... Nice convergence by Egboh and ILB Washington on the stop.
2nd and 8 at DEN 23 (7:00) C.Simms pass short left to K.McKinley pushed ob at DEN 41 for 18 yards (C.Taylor). Caught at DEN 28
base D... J Moore in slot on WR, but creeps in to blitz last second... Briggs gets quick burst around other edge, but the LT handles him well... same for Moore on other side (actually, Egboh's rush outside pushed Moore out as well, haha... Mitchell gets a few yards forward on the OC, same for RJF vs the LG... 3 second throw... CB Word-Daniels with an awful mistackle that gives up lots of RAC yds.
**ESPN is mixed up a play from the 6:35 mark**
1st and 10 at DEN 41 (6:35) D.Walker up the middle to 50 for 9 yards (J.Roland, J.Moore).
base D... Mitchell took a double, lost 1 yd, but stood strong... Egboh was turned away from rush lane (solo blocker), as did RJF... Moore held strong and slid toward the play... Briggs with no chance (too far from play)... ILB Washington took on FB well... ILB Roland showed poor initial instincts for the hole... pile up on the tackle.
2nd and 1 at 50 (5:52) C.Simms pass short left to D.Walker to SF 49 for 1 yard (J.Roland). Measurement indicates 1st Down.
base D with Briggs standing back for slot WR... VERY impressive inside rush on blocking TE by Moore, was all up in QB's face, but QB sidestepped nicely for the short throw... good rush from RJF on the LT, gets right to the QB before the throw... (had 5 seconds though)... Mitchell takes double, then triple team... Egbog tripped up in the pile... strong tackle by Roland
1st and 10 at SF 49 (5:10) (Shotgun) C.Simms pass incomplete deep left to M.Willis.
camera is a second late to the play... looks like decent pressure from Moore, Egboh, and Mitchell to slowly collapse pocket... RJF gets doubled... 3 second pass deep streak... well covered under and over by Word-D and Taylor.
2nd and 10 at SF 49 (5:04) (Shotgun) C.Simms pass short left to D.Walker to DEN 48 for -3 yards (P.Egboh).
4 DL... J Moore at LDE gets excellent pressure on QB through the RT... Egbog showed incredible awareness to follow the pulling OL (slow screen) and get over for the tackle on the RB... RJF with good awareness for it as well... Briggs tried the inside rush vs the LT (like Moore did), but couldn't get upfield well.
Penalty on DEN-M.McChesney, Ineligible Downfield Pass, declined.
3rd and 13 at DEN 48 (4:57) (Shotgun) C.Simms pass incomplete short left to K.McKinley (J.Word-Daniels).
4 DL with Moore and Briggs at DE... Moore gets doubled... Briggs stoned by LT... good push by Egboh warrants double... RJF gets shut down by LG... dropped pass by wide open WR (Word-D far behind the hitch route). decent short coverage by Roland on a FB in route
4th and 13 at DEN 48 (4:49) B.Colquitt punts 47 yards to SF 5, Center-L.Paxton, downed by DEN-M.Willis.

San Francisco 49ers at 4:40 DEN SFO

1st and 10 at SF 5 (4:40) N. Davis in at QB. K.Sheets up the middle to SF 5 for no gain (S.Larsen).
poor camera work makes this run stuff impossible to analyze... could see Alex Boone do well pushing out his man (#99) The failure was clearly interior
2nd and 10 at SF 5 (4:00) K.Sheets up the middle to SF 14 for 9 yards (J.Moss).
Wallace slides his man just out of rush lane... Toledo hits second level, does well taking out LB... nothing else stood out, except for good vision and running by Sheets inside. Boone did "okay" and was not at fault or a big plus here
Timeout #2 by DEN at 03:24.
3rd and 1 at SF 14 (3:24) K.Sheets up the middle to SF 13 for -1 yards (S.Larsen).
Toledo couldn't get over on a pull quickly enough, (mostly because Boone drove his man into him as he took the defender down) and the DB daggered in for a nice stop for loss. Just ugly overall
4th and 2 at SF 13 (2:43) A.Lee punts 51 yards to DEN 36, Center-B.Jennings. K.McKinley to DEN 47 for 11 yards (K.Sheets).

Denver Broncos at 2:31 DEN SFO
1st and 10 at DEN 47 (2:31) (Shotgun) C.Simms pass short left to K.McKinley to DEN 48 for 1 yard (D.Briggs). Caught at DEN 45.
4 DL... Moore/Briggs at DE... quick WR screen... Nice awareness and break on the ball by Lambert... (was then hit and pushed down from the back on obvious, uncalled penalty)... fantastic awareness by Mitchell to get over, but he missed him with a head down load coming, haha... Briggs chased him down for little gain. Someone must have screamed "screen" as how else could Mitchell have broke off so quickly?
**ESPN screwing up the play times again***
2nd and 9 at DEN 48 (2:07) (No Huddle) C.Simms pass incomplete short right to N.Swift.
4 DL... Moore gets upfield quickly, but gets pushed past QB last second by RT... same for Briggs (looked like hands tothe face by the LT)... Egboh stopped by double... RJF got beaten up a bit by LG... high throw INC on sideline
3rd and 9 at DEN 48 (2:01) (Shotgun) C.Simms Aborted. K.Lichtensteiger FUMBLES at DEN 48, recovered by DEN-C.Simms at DEN 43. C.Simms
pass deep left to K.McKinley for 52 yards, TOUCHDOWN. Caught at SF 3. 16 17
3 man DL... Egbog and Mitchell get stopped by doubles... Briggs gets nowhere vs LT... 7 seconds to throw!!! seven!!! busted coverage deep downfield... Word-D running hard but so many steps behind the WR for a TD. Word- just got owned on the replay... he bit on a 10 yd hitch, and was blown by
TWO-POINT CONVERSION ATTEMPT. C.Simms pass to K.McKinley is incomplete. ATTEMPT FAILS. 16 17
4 DL (Moore/Briggs still DE)... Moore gets excellent inside rush, but washed out by a double last second... nothing much on pressure from anyone else... Reggie Smith steps in front of target nisely for the INT
M.Prater kicks onside 12 yards from DEN 30 to DEN 42. RECOVERED by DEN-C.Jones.
DRIVE TOTALS: DEN 16 SF 17, 3 plays, 53 yards, 0:39 drive, 13:08 elapsed

San Francisco 49ers at 1:51 DEN SFO

1st and 10 at DEN 42 (1:51) K.Sheets left end pushed ob at DEN 17 for 25 yards (D.Bruton).
Kyle Howard at RG... Bender at LT... Bender and FB Britt with great blocks weakside to spring a blazing Sheets. Zeigler did just enough, but anyone could have done that much.
1st and 10 at DEN 17 (1:44) K.Sheets up the middle to DEN 16 for 1 yard (L.Robinson, S.Larsen).
lousy push from OC to RT on the run attempt
Timeout #3 by DEN at 01:37.
2nd and 9 at DEN 16 (1:37) K.Sheets up the middle to DEN 18 for -2 yards (C.Baker).
Baker beats Howard inside for good penetration... Spanos at OC slips to second level... Toledo beaten well enough inside... Boone does well enough...
3rd and 11 at DEN 18 (:52) K.Sheets right guard to DEN 18 for no gain (T.Crowder).
Boone gets second level blocking well... no one else gets push
4th and 11 at DEN 18 (:04) K.Sheets up the middle to DEN 5 for 13 yards (J.Moss).
decent pull block from Toledo... powerful run block from Boone...

wow, this must've taken a lot of time.
Originally posted by bigmike55:
wow, this must've taken a lot of time.

Yeah, it kinda did... It's something I love doing, but the pay is low. I hope to have the time to do this often, but it IS a lot of time consumed.
From your reports it looks like J. Moore, Brooks, Mitchell, Boone, Egboh,Diggs made some impressive moves during the game.

Sounds like Sims, Toledo, Jahi-Word, Wallace did not do so well. Did I read this correctly?
Originally posted by Ninefan56:
From your reports it looks like J. Moore, Brooks, Mitchell, Boone, Egboh,Diggs made some impressive moves during the game.

Sounds like Sims, Toledo, Jahi-Word, Wallace did not do so well. Did I read this correctly?

There were definitely some "hits and misses" with each player performance, but I'd put it like this real quickly...

Looking good:

Glen Coffee - nice showing of one cut and hit the hole ability
Kory Sheets - limited action, but clearly explosive and some vision to build on
Brit Miller - had a few good lead blocks as FB... can make some catches as well
Adam Snyder - blocked very well overall... showing better push... had a couple of close calls in protection, but recovered
Khaliff Mitchell - held the line very well, and even showed occasions of nice awareness and ability to 1-gap
R. Jean-Francois - nearly went in the category below, but he did much more positive than negative
Justin Smith - loooked great... sometimes takes himself out of rush lanes, but that happens in this "chess game"
Jay Moore - had terrific burst and nose for the QB and RBs... very nice display
Scot McKillop - has a way to go in finding the right hole and shadowing receivers, but I was encouraged by his play
Marcus Hudson - limited acion, but did well
T. Lambert - can only remember 1 big play, so he may not belong here, but it was nice coverage on a sideline streak

Some good... some bad...

Manny + Haralson - ran the arc well.... still need work on getting back inside or through blockers
Mike Spurlock - quick acceleration... could surprise, but will be tough to make it
Cody Wallace - mostly unimpressive, but occasionally some good blocking
Marvel Smith - looked sluggish, rusty, and on some plays unmotivated
remaining OL
Reggie Smith - mostly good, but did get beat badly on a crossing pattern
Pannel Egboh - a few nice plays mixed with some where he was engulfed
Demetric Evans - better than I expected... still just okay
Isaac Sopoaga + K. Balmer - just okay... need more from them
Briggs, Harris, Brooks - showed nice burst and hussle... need to get better at defeating blockers
Nate Clements - great INT in the endzone, but he was asked (or just decided to?) play some soft coverage for the most part... disgusting

Just bad so far:

Tony Wragge - really sucked in holding blocks, making holes, and looked lost at times
Aubrayo Franklin - beaten at the line too often... nothing impressive in the least
Jeff Ulbrich - was not impressedwith his limited action
J. Word-Daniels - really sucked... mistackles... blown coverages... poor technique

* I'm probably missing quite a few, but hey, sue me....

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