Originally posted by AXEGRINDER:
being overrated is overrated.
Staley is a fine LT. I think the more shrewd observers in the game recognise he is a solid footballer. In my experience any good team has those sort of players.
Its unfortunate that the tackle position has now taken on such mystique that we only see 'Elite' players being drafted in the first 10. I remember a time when the 49ers selected tackles which struck a balance between the individual's ability and the offensive scheme we had. We built some of the great teams on such philosophy.
I wouldn't trade Staley. He is a young tackle that was immediately put under pressure to raise a whole offensive line's production by himself. It doesn't work like that. Also whilst the apologists for any of the QB's we have played these past years are quick to point out the different OC's they have had to play under then please don't forget that the offensive line have had to adapt to this also.