Originally posted by Texas9erFan:
No, you call yourself a doctor. That implies a degree.
And I'm still laughing at you.

You, for actually thinking a message board name as literal and truthful =
I never claimed to be doctor with a PhD or degree....that's all on YOU and like I said, you totally PULLED THAT OUT OF YOUR ASS.
I chose my message board name in honor of "The Genius" Coach Bill Walsh who routinely sliced opposing teams up like a surgeon.
You're obviously too unsubtly crass and boorish to even equate and realize that.
Besides, my nickname is "Doc" but that was one I earned with the Marines, and am damn proud of it, and I don't need a damn PhD to certify that.
Laugh all you want, at the end of the day, YOU'RE the one that looks like an immature ass and anyone who's read your recent posts and seeming vendetta against me will manifestly see that, as you obstinately indict yourself with your clumsy attempts to ridicule and instigate me.
[ Edited by Dr_Bill_Walsh on Oct 28, 2011 at 6:12 AM ]