Originally posted by gold49er2183:Originally posted by KRS-1:Originally posted by 49ersMan420:Originally posted by KRS-1:Originally posted by AXEGRINDER:
If only we had 53 Frank Gores.................
....then we'd have had a total of what 212 surgeries on all the players combined...
u hopeless? clueless? maybe both?
why come to a niner fan site to hate? you know he meant he wishes the whole team had his work ethic and love for the game. you are just trying to stir up stuff. Quit hating on one of the only bright spots on our team in the last 5 years.
Who's hating ? Where did I hate ?
[heyt] hat·ed, hat·ing, noun
verb (used with object)
to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.
verb (used without object)
to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
[johk] verb, joked, jok·ing.
something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
something that is amusing or ridiculous, especially because of being ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce: Their pretense of generosity is a joke. An officer with no ability to command is a joke.
a matter that need not be taken very seriously; trifling matter: The loss was no joke.
something that does not present the expected challenge; something very easy: The test was a joke for the whole class.
practical joke.
verb (used without object)
to speak or act in a playful or merry way: He was always joking with us.
to say something in fun or teasing rather than in earnest; be facetious: He didn't really mean it, he was only joking.