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Harbaugh Handshake with Jim Schwartz

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Watching the replay of NFL network post game show with Steve Marriucci, and Michael Irvin. Michael Irvin says he called his son after the 49ers vs Lions game to see if he saw the hand shake. Said he hoped his son didn't see that, didn't want him to see that. Really Michael?

Oh, no. Don't let your Son see someone get their hand shook too hard and the other one overreact. No punches were thrown, no obvious obscenities could be read from their lips. But hey, it's okay that you have been in trouble with the law for possession of cocaine and marijuana, caught in a hotel room with an unknown female.

Don't talk about character Michael, really, don't.
Originally posted by DynastyPart2:
Watching the replay of NFL network post game show with Steve Marriucci, and Michael Irvin. Michael Irvin says he called his son after the 49ers vs Lions game to see if he saw the hand shake. Said he hoped his son didn't see that, didn't want him to see that. Really Michael?

Oh, no. Don't let your Son see someone get their hand shook too hard and the other one overreact. No punches were thrown, no obvious obscenities could be read from their lips. But hey, it's okay that you have been in trouble with the law for possession of cocaine and marijuana, caught in a hotel room with an unknown female.

Don't talk about character Michael, really, don't.

haha yeah he better block his kids from going online because if they google his name they'll ask him what a coke whore is...
  • VDSF
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Originally posted by DynastyPart2:
Watching the replay of NFL network post game show with Steve Marriucci, and Michael Irvin. Michael Irvin says he called his son after the 49ers vs Lions game to see if he saw the hand shake. Said he hoped his son didn't see that, didn't want him to see that. Really Michael?

Oh, no. Don't let your Son see someone get their hand shook too hard and the other one overreact. No punches were thrown, no obvious obscenities could be read from their lips. But hey, it's okay that you have been in trouble with the law for possession of cocaine and marijuana, caught in a hotel room with an unknown female.

Don't talk about character Michael, really, don't.

Don't forget the ''U''
Over the years we have seen Ditka, Johnson, the fat Tuna, and some others (all from the east) go off and have ZERO regard after a good win.

But the Niners Harbaugh?!!

Sooooooooooo out of line !!

Give me a frikin break.

I hope this team destroys every single punk hating franchise we can get our hands on !

I'm not sure if they hate us as much as they fear us.

There was a time the game was over before it began and you could see it in everyone's body language.

I think these punks hate that we did that to them.
  • jimrat
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Originally posted by WeAreLegend:
Over the years we have seen Ditka, Johnson, the fat Tuna, and some others (all from the east) go off and have ZERO regard after a good win.

But the Niners Harbaugh?!!

Sooooooooooo out of line !!

Give me a frikin break.

I hope this team destroys every single punk hating franchise we can get our hands on !

I'm not sure if they hate us as much as they fear us.

There was a time the game was over before it began and you could see it in everyone's body language.

I think these punks hate that we did that to them.

You can throw in Rex Ryan as far as punk coaches
Yeah good call.

Ryan included.

The Niners have been hated since the day we started handing everyone their ass and handling ourselves the whole way with class.

Hate is rarely a good thing.

Looks like it was warranted we dominated a bunch of HOF punks for 15 years.

They fear that Harbaugh is bringing back THE TRUTH.
  • dj43
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A lot of over-reaction. Still, Harbaugh needs to tone it down a bit. It is the players that are winning the game. They are the ones that are putting their bodies on the line.

Here, after the biggest win in 8+ years, no one is talking about the players. Instead they are talking about the coach. Fair or not, Harbaugh needs to dial it back a bit. The game is about the players, not the coach. The coach will get plenty of recognition if the team continues to win. Let the players celebrate the win.
I want to ask something, may have been brought up already in here but... Am I the only one who noticed that Harbaugh looks to the left (I think right at Schwartz) and then straight ahead again, then fist pumps? I was laughing hella hard the first time I saw that. Seemed like he was making fun of him. Could just be a coincidence though.
This ignorant f**k

Originally posted by dj43:
A lot of over-reaction. Still, Harbaugh needs to tone it down a bit. It is the players that are winning the game. They are the ones that are putting their bodies on the line.

Here, after the biggest win in 8+ years, no one is talking about the players. Instead they are talking about the coach. Fair or not, Harbaugh needs to dial it back a bit. The game is about the players, not the coach. The coach will get plenty of recognition if the team continues to win. Let the players celebrate the win.

I don't think Harbaugh was doing anything to take recognition from the players. This was just a silly incident blown out of proportion by a 24hr sports media that would have no interest in covering our team otherwise. And the truth is had Kim Schwartz never run up on Harbaugh, they still wouldn't be covering our team despite the great win.

this guy schwartz loves to yell at coaches from across the field.
just watch how this clown reacts after the ref makes the call.
[ Edited by schmons on Oct 18, 2011 at 1:58 AM ]
Originally posted by DaDivaRecieva15:
This ignorant f**k

what a f**kin b***h lol. hella juiced because his sorry ass team beat the f**kin peyton manningless colts lol. shwartz woulda got his ass beat like a little kid at walmart if he actually attacked harbaugh. he wouldnt have approached him if he didnt know he could beat him? im pretty sure no one has ever started a fight and got their ass beat man, s**t lol
I thought this was crazy at the time and read a variety of articles/perspectives about it. Today, Total Access talked about it every 5 minutes or so, and it was all over every sports website, show, or news feed I looked at. I'm already tired of it barely 24 hours later.

I'm still trying to figure out whether it was a good thing for our team, in regard to players from other teams' perspective of, and focus on, the Niners. On the one hand, it brought even more attention to a game in which we defeated one of the 2 undefeated teams and people are bound to recognize, which isn't really great as far as how intensely opponents will focus against us.

On the other, it may have been a strategically positive thing for our team to perhaps mask a little bit of how dangerous the Niners are by distracting them from the performance and game related details. Obviously teams look at real game tape and don't get as caught up in this stuff, but it might sort of dilute the coverage and minimize the alarm about how worried teams should be about the Niners. If a player is watching any sports show, or talking to people outside their facilities about the Niners, the coverage or discussions are less about the performance, and more about the post game antics. I don't want other teams to think of the Niners as the top 5 team they are, and perhaps the coach incident could provide a little cover for how well we're doing, or at least, how we do it.
[ Edited by mug0mug on Oct 18, 2011 at 3:03 AM ]
  • buck
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Originally posted by dj43:
A lot of over-reaction. Still, Harbaugh needs to tone it down a bit. It is the players that are winning the game. They are the ones that are putting their bodies on the line.

Here, after the biggest win in 8+ years, no one is talking about the players. Instead they are talking about the coach. Fair or not, Harbaugh needs to dial it back a bit. The game is about the players, not the coach. The coach will get plenty of recognition if the team continues to win. Let the players celebrate the win.

I agree. The players and the work that they did--overcoming the obstacles, albeit many if not most were created by themselves, they overcame to win the game should be what we are reading about.

Harbaugh was out of control; wildly exuberant. He as the head coach needs to control his emotions.

That being said I did not think that the handshake was that extreme.

Schwartz clearly overreacted and was much more out of line than Harbaugh. I find him arrogant.

It angers me that he is almost getting a free ride in the media.
  • Lifer
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Originally posted by dj43:
A lot of over-reaction. Still, Harbaugh needs to tone it down a bit. It is the players that are winning the game. They are the ones that are putting their bodies on the line.

Here, after the biggest win in 8+ years, no one is talking about the players. Instead they are talking about the coach. Fair or not, Harbaugh needs to dial it back a bit. The game is about the players, not the coach. The coach will get plenty of recognition if the team continues to win. Let the players celebrate the win.
Consider this: The biggest danger facing the development of this team right now is that they'll become too satisfied with themselves. Harbaugh said the moment you think you've arrived is the moment you stop working to get better. Coach made it clear that he's uncomfortable with "flowery words" written about the team. He prefers that "all that is written, be written against us." He's told the team, more than once, "I don't want you guys to know how good you are."

In light of that, this "distraction" is a positive for the team and it makes plenty of sense that Harbaugh would welcome and even encourage it. Instead of the media being filled with stories of 49er greatness, they're talking about the handshake incident. Instead of the players reading stories about how they're now one of the top teams in the league; they're reading about how their coach is a boorish unprofessional rookie.

Harbaugh said "whenever people start talking nice about you you, kick 'em in the shins." Now, I'm not saying that Jim Harbaugh went out and deliberately sparked an incident with Jim Schwartz, but I can see how he would welcome it. This plays into his philosophy perfectly. It creates an "us vs the world" mentality amongst the players and derails the media hype machine. The focus is on the coach's bad behavior instead of being on how great the players are? Good!
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