Originally posted by SoTx9R:
Def these. Bring em back!
The white ones we wore in 1993/94 were awesome.
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Originally posted by SoTx9R:
Def these. Bring em back!
Originally posted by SonocoNinerFan:
Originally posted by VA49er:
Uhh??? Don't we wear our 80s throwbacks every week now? I'm just happy we are in the unis we are currently in every game. They are throwback and they are awesome.
Yup. Unless we're talking about the throwback we used in 94 . . . but the only real difference between the 80's uni's and the current is the helmet logo which I like better than the old one.
Originally posted by Dr_Bill_Walsh:
The 80's 49ers were awesome. But the thing is between the 1980's unis...
...and the current ones worn since 2009...
...there are only minute differences that most non-49er fans would be hard-pressed to spot (probably why EA always f**ks up our unis/throwbacks in Madden )
Having a throwback alternate that both honors the 1994 team, and the 1940s-early 60's teams which had no gold helmets/pants would be a nice change of pace. It's NOT like the team is going to switch TOTALLY to silver helmets or white pants....the NFL has gotten stricter on alternates and the rule now is teams at most can only wear throwbacks/alts for at most 2 games (and they can't be primetime games )
Originally posted by ChazBoner:
Only thing I'd change about our current uni's is the collar.
Originally posted by Gore_21:
Yeah, it's been discussed many times before but it was made that way to fit the players shoulder pads better but with a fan wearing it to me it is just awkward and doesn't look right. Should have made the v neck for fans and the u shaped neck for players.
Originally posted by JoseCortez:
I think most people on this board are in their mid to late twenties, and can only remember the 94 team. Which is why most people are obsessed with that jersey.