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Please Read my Thorough Analysis of the Niners-Skins Game I attended, plus RJF

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Hey guys. Had a great time at the game with beast seats at about the 30 yard line 6 rows up from the Niners bench. Third Niner game that I remember being at, 1st away from home and 1st game in which the outcome mattered, making it even more fun (the other two were after Christmas in '03 and '09). Sitting much closer to the field than I have in the past, I was really able to appreciate the speed, power, ability, and talent of the players in a way I hadn't been able to at previous games.

GREAT PRESENCE BY NINER FANS TODAY. I'd say it was about 20-25% Niner fans, and my section right behind the bench was at least 50-50 and maybe more niner fans. (My friend I went with, a die-hard Skin fan, said that due to the size of their stadium, about 20K visiting fans show up every game). Nonetheless, I was impressed. We were loud and stood the whole game (brief tangent: Stadium experience was much better than at the Stick, unfortunately. Of course we all know it's much newer, but all the fans of both teams stood for the entire game and could be as loud as they wanted without drawing yells to sit down and/or be quiet that are all too common at the stick). I was surrounded by Niner fans in my row and all we're very knowledgeable about the team. Perhaps more of us are coming out of the woodwork as we become competitive again.

Anyways, this team is very, very solid. Now, the redskins are nothing special, but the with the way this D plays, I believe we can contend with any team and pose problems for some of the leagues best offenses. The front 7 is beastly. Even though we didn't have that many sacks (1 for sure by Brooks), Beck was under constant pressure and the pocket always seemed to be collapsing. The D is even better against the run, as Smith, Soap, and RJF were just manhandling their OL on almost every play allowing for penetration by the LBs. I was really glad to see RJF play so well for a second time this year, as DL depth in the 3-4 is so crucial. Bowman is a stud and, as we all know, Willis is just a best. Simply an amazing player to see in person as he just flies all over the field. He made a tackle for no-gain that, in-person and on the replay screens, I still have no idea how he was able to knife through the line to make the play. His two FFs were right in front me. The second was extremely impressive. Shifty WR catches the ball running across the field, Willis just shows explosive closing speed and a textbook strip-tackle to force the fumble. DBs were good too, especially Goldson. They almost never looked Roger's way, and most of their success came against Brown. Brown plays far off the receiver nearly every play, and, accordingly, gives up a lot of easy completions on out and comeback routes. All in all, though, the D could very well be the best in the league. We have a very realistic chance to win each of our remaining games because of them. The best part is how the D just squeezed the life out of the stadium by about the 2nd quarter, even when we were only tied and then up by one and two FGs.

Overall, I feel good about our O and have a much better understanding of why we run the scheme that we do; I no longer really want us to 'open' up the O, and I think, those lucky enough to catch a game in-person, would agree. First things first, FRANK GORE. Just a hell of a player. He's strong, has great vision, and is faster than he appears on TV. He got banged-up in the 2nd quarter but came back and played great. He is so decisive with his cuts in a way, that, while we all see it on TV, doesn't truly translate until you can see him live: he deftly shifts behind the line of scrimmage, picks the appropriate hole, and just explodes through the line of scrimmage. I was lucky enough to have his best runs occur right in front of me (and got some great video of it), like when he trucked two guys on his first carry; more impressive were his 27 yarder and a couple other nice gains where he through a couple moves at the LOS and really turned on the jets as he came around the corner in a way that really surprised me, as on TV it always seems like he's a bit slower than some of the other top RBs. I've always loved him, but I've been more of a VD fan for some reason; Gore's play and effort today has made him my new favorite niner on offense, and, I think, the entire team. Big props to the OL, particularly in run blocking. Hunter had an OK game, but his low output further underscored Gore's elite-level talent, as both were getting the same good blocking but only Gore really got loose.

Now to our passing game, which was a mixed bag. Smith once again was very efficient, and didn't make any bad decisions. However, I now understand why Harbaugh doesn't open up the O more; Smith locks on to his first read, and, if that's not there, invariably scrambles and throws the ball out of bounds. This tendency caused him to miss several wide open options, like Gore in the flats on a 3rd and short or VD a couple other times across the middle of the field. While frustrating, his play is leagues better than in the past and I will take the early throw aways over his forced and often innacurate throws of the past any day. That said, Harbaugh's game plan is expertly tailored to his QB, and I LOVED seeing the WCO in full effect today. For the first time, we really hammered the D with quick-outs and quick-slants, that, other than one time to Edwards, Smith threw very well. The OL did OK, though gave up a couple sacks that they probably shouldn't of; the one on the first series, where Alex got absolutely destroyed right in front me (I was sure he was A going to fumble and B be injured) wasn't really their fault as he scrambled and didn't get rid of the ball), but the Skins do have great OLBs. Crabtree played very well today, getting open, showing great hands and footwork, running the quick slant and outs to precision, going over the middle and taking hits, and blocking downfield--even mixing it up with a corner, I think Hall, and starting a pretty heated shoving match. Edwards had a really nice catch too. We were subbing the WRs a lot today, as Ginn and Williams were on the field alone, together, and/or without Edwards or Crabtree several times; It was really nice to see, as all produced, and I'm excited to see how this WR corps develops.

In sum,I now understand that what we're seeing with Alex Smith is what we're going to get; he can be an efficient game-manager who will make a couple very nice throws per game (the TD to Miller was a beautiful throw on a great PA fake, a dropped pass by VD downfield dropped in perfectly over his shoulder, a dart to VD on a 3rd and 14 for a first down, several slants and quick outs were right on the money on precision-timing routes, and a fastball to Ginn on the run for a first). He can make the easy throws, and should be used accordingly; Harbaugh has really done an AMAZING job in getting him to play at a serviceable-to-good level and be confident in his abilities really for the first time in his career. Smith still struggles downfield, but, with our O premised on the run game and short pass (man do I love the return of the WCO) we can take a few shots downfield when the game plan and situation calls for it (i.e., the dropped pass to VD and the TD to Miller) throughout the course of the game.

Lastly, I would like to give BIG-UPS to RJF. Such a class-act, a really great guy. As the game ended, I made my way from the 6th row to the 1st row. All the other Niners ran to the tunnel and only a few, including Bowman and Willis, took the time to greet fans there. RJF(and either #96 Dobbs or #93 Williams?), on the other hand, made a point of coming over to the fans behind the bench and greeting us. Before anyone even asked, he started calling for a sharpie to sing some fans' gear. I was truly shocked, but really impressed, when a fan gave him a red hat to sign and RJF, with who was holding a red pen, specifically said it won't work and took the time to locate a black pen from another fan and sign the hat. Then he came up to me, and I asked if I could grab a pic with him on my Iphone. He said "sure man, but let me grab those sunglasses first (from another fan) and got in really close." I had the forward facing camera activated, so I could see the screen. It wasn't working and I was kind of panicking. RJF said, "hey man, it's on video"; I switched to the regular camera and took the pic of us. I said thanks and shook hands with him, which were MASSIVE, and he was on his way to other fans. I was truly touched by his behavior. He was funny, engaging, and extremely considerate. I mean, how many athletes actually come over to the fans after a game on the road when almost all his other teammates go to the locker room? On top of that, who specifically requests a black pen to sign a red hat because it wouldn't show up, or is patient enough with a young guy like me to tell me my camera is on video setting, wait around for me to snap the pic, and grab some shades and pose to make it even cooler? He played a great game and really made my day, and I just want to thank him in a public forum. PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME BABY!!!!!

damn, you wrote an essay
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  • boqi
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Awesome! Now you have a video of RJF! LOL. :D
Great post! Being at a game only a few rows away from the Niners bench is great and must be experienced for sure!
SO wanted to bust a big old NO.
but i wont.
I'Il have to read that s**t later though , couldnt help being a smart ass, im sure your gonna get a few.
[ Edited by RMuTT1981 on Nov 6, 2011 at 6:01 PM ]
Thanks so much for this post. I enjoyed reading it. Glad you had a good time.
Thanks for taking the time to write that up, your excitement was palpable throughout and put a big smile on my face.

That tape job on RJF is a work of art!
Awesome, thanks for sharing. That's cool with RJF... he's definitely down to Earth. Cool story about the pen... most guys would have signed it and moved on.

I think you are semi-right about Alex. He is most effective when he throws to his first read -- as almost every QB is. But when he is forced to his second read (or forced off his first read by a different post-snap defense than he expected), he seems to struggle knowing where to find his other receivers -- except the obvious check downs.

The typical WCO tries to simplify this by giving the QB multiple reads in the same viewing area (side or area of the field). To some extent they seem to be doing this. But if the other routes are clearing away from his read, he doesn't seem to be able to find those guys nearly at all.

This limited ability should be expected of any QB in a new system, but it doesn seem particularly true of AS. I think you've pointed out a good measure of his improvement over the balance of the season. Let's see if he gets more confidence in the offense, can be coached up, and starts to "survey the field better" and spread the ball around.
First off, I would like to say I attended the game also. Did not have the great seats you had but hey, they were given to me. I seen Alex a little differently than you did.
From what I saw, he only had time to look at his first read before the pocket collapsed. I thought the offense played mostly conservative throughout the game, knowing that our D would contain the Redskins offense. Between our D and special teams we always seemed to have good field position. A few first downs and kick a field goal. Kind of a boring game, but a great first time experience. Tailgating was fun and fans for both sides we really cool.
[ Edited by insanemike27 on Nov 6, 2011 at 6:12 PM ]
I met Jake Long one time, biggest motherf**ker I've ever met in my life, ppl don't realize how big some of these dudes are
Originally posted by tohara3:
Great post! Being at a game only a few rows away from the Niners bench is great and must be experienced for sure!

Never been to a home or away game but you would think being in a hostile place... sitting behind the 9ers bench it would be as if you where a part of the team. Seems like you would be able to connect better with them than when there are 60,000 plus 9er fans in a crowd. Almost like it's us the minority in the stands and the guys on the field vs the other 70,000 fans in the stadium. Sound right or am I off on that?
Originally posted by King49er:
I met Jake Long one time, biggest motherf**ker I've ever met in my life, ppl don't realize how big some of these dudes are

Yeah, like Bball as well... these guys don't look big because they are playing with other monstrous human beings. I remember one time when a few of my family members went to Milwaukee to see a Bucks game (a few went to see Scott Stapp) and being from central WI we have never seen anyone close to being a celebrity or pro athlete. I was waiting for an elevator at the Pfister and around the corner this african american guy who had to duck... scared the s**t out of me... I figured he was a player for the Clippers (who the Bucks where playing). Had to look him up on the roster but he was some 7 foot 2 inch guy from Africa. Sacred the s**t out of me because I had never seen anyone bigger than maybe 6'3". Rode in the elevator with him... things are different in central WI... no celebrities or pro athletes around here.
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