Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by Lott49ersFan:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Change what?
Try winning a Super Bowl instead of just talking about it. Instead of living eternally off of Uncle's coat tales.
So he should just say we just want a wild card berth?
He should keep his mouth shut and get it done. Like he has mostly done over the last handful of years (at least with the keeping his mouth shut part).
He should do this. He accomplished nothing. Yorks did nothing in 20+ years. They live off Eddie D's reputation and pas victories. Purdy might bail them out. But they will still only be 1 - 3 if that happens. 0 - 3 if they get bounced in this game.
Nothing in 20 years? Do you even know what's going on in 6 days lol so dumb
+ Show all quotes
Nothing yet. It could be Purdy will bail them out. But they got lucky on that.
Nothing yet, yet you're here . what a fkn time to start this BS
You do realize they are 0 - 2 in the Super Bowl with many, many NFC Championship losses. I can't even count all the times they lost that over the years. But it must be a lot. Jed said "We put Super Bowl trophies in the case. We hang Championship banners. It's the 49ers way."
So it was his own bragging and standard and words. Nobody made him say it. So far only his Uncle has won.
Bro, Eddie had a very rough start as owner too. He hired Joe Thomas, who immediately removed all references to the past hero's of Niner football. Eddie got lucky when he hired Bill Walsh. Jed followed nearly the same path and got lucky when he hired Kyle and Jonh. they completely remade the roster and have been in the thick of the race every year. Don't forget that the reason Jed is running the team is because Eddie got into trouble with the law and was voted out by the league owners. This coaching/ownership tandem has gotten the team to the conference championship multiple times since the rebuild. Jed has matured as an owner. Complaining about things like what you are bringing up is childish. This team never won a championship until 1981. That's over thirty years of futility, hence the term, The Faithful. Be one and quit being such a crybaby. Enjoy the ride, it doesn't come around often.