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Originally posted by TlSSER:
how would someone even try to stop a 250lb random jumping maneuver like that? lol
Cut his legs and make him come down on his head/back so he possible fumbles. VD bobbled the ball a little when he went airborne.
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VD was going to go up for the dunk, then realized he was wearing cleats and not hoop shoes.
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- Posts: 366
That was pure awesomeness, just shows that great players are unpredictable, the next time he's in the the same position he'll smash through the DB who thinks he'll jump.
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Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
I like the TD but I'd rather him stay down. Jumping up like that you could get injured or fumble. He could have lowered his shoulder and run over the DB. He outweighed that guy buy like 60 lbs.
I think he is trying to avoid being cut down in the legs. Almost nobody tries to tackle him high once he has speed. He might have thought he would clear him clean.
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Watching that play again, from all the different angles, it looks like a much better play. The DB was smaller than him, but he was going to knock him hard from the side, which would have forced him out of bounds.
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If you don't get in the endzone you never know what happens. Sometimes it's hard to punch it in. Plus I have him in my ff league.
Nice play VD.. You keep jumpin' out there!
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Love that he got a TD (he's killing me this year in FFL) but he shouldn't be exposing himself like that to injury. That jump and the way he came down was way more dangerous than just running Phillips' ass over, and he was gonna score either way. But this was a GREAT game and I'm glad VD got involved after the trouble he had last week on his home field. GO NINERS!!!!
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See, I KNEW Vernon's broad jump and vertical leap numbers at the combine meant something!
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i agree with putting himself up to injury but you have to give the guy credit for putting his body on the line in a crucial spot to make sure we get the score.
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Originally posted by 49glory:
Awwwwww Yoouuuuuuuuu!!!
soulja boy reference.
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damn VD got vert!!!!!
say no to crack tho.
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Originally posted by chico49erfan:
Happened basically right in front of me!! The crowd went f**king nuts!!
We must have been separated by just a few rows. I was in the same section toward the middle of the row. And yes, we were going bananas!
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There was no way they were keeping Vernon out the endzone...best believe he was thinking opportunities are limited..I'm scoring!
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Originally posted by DonnieDarko:
vernon has always played like he thinks he's barry sanders
Love the guy but very true lol You outweigh almost every guy your matched up against RUN THEM OVER.
If phillips instead tried to just push VD, he would've had a better chance of stopping the TD imo. 250 lbs floating in the air is much easier to move than 250 lbs. running right to you. VD should truck next time. awesome play though.