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Return of the Quentin font?

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Are we going Classic for the whole season to honor Candlestick one last time???
  • jimrat
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 23,734
true, where is your source for this? gonna report it to UniWatch who love to get uni/logo related info like this
Originally posted by Dr_Bill_Walsh:
true, where is your source for this? gonna report it to UniWatch who love to get uni/logo related info like this

some dude posted it up on facebook it looks like a Instagram photo so its prob from the 49ers page
49ers Instagram account posted it. Awesome.
Originally posted by Tru2RedNGold25:

Are we going Classic for the whole season to honor Candlestick one last time???

Yes, bring back this font please! For this year and always going forward. This is what I associated with the Niners in pulling for them growing up.
Originally posted by LottDMontanaO:
Originally posted by Tru2RedNGold25:

Are we going Classic for the whole season to honor Candlestick one last time???

Yes, bring back this font please! For this year and always going forward. This is what I associated with the Niners in pulling for them growing up.

AMEN, I still cant look at the NEW font & say i like it, This font is what is associated with greatness.
  • MuggD
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 37,990
FVCK YES! I've been wanting this for years!
Go back to the old font full time... The old school English numbers!!!!!!!! Love it
That is ALL 49ERS!!!!!!!! PUT IT ON THE FIELD!!!!!!!!!!
PPL should hit up Jed on Twitter & petition to go back to this style moving forward am sure if enough Faithful show their displease with the new Font he might bring it up to the PR department & make it a permanent
if its permanent, the "49ERS" wordmark underneath the collars on the jerseys has to change accordingly....(or get rid of them altogether)

next season (2014) is when i really expect some overdue fixes to the uniform since:

a) inaugural year at new stadium, would be a good excuse to revamp team uni/logos (EXPECIALLY THE SLEEVE STRIPES!)

b) 2014 is meets the NFL's 5 year minimum before a team can change uniforms, since we redid everything in 2009 (though I think the Jags got an exemption from this since they also came out with new unis in '09 but have new ones this year...then again they're the Jags)
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