Originally posted by jonesadrian:
They aren't just some gaffs.
Let's put it this way,
Harbaugh was a salesman that starting bringing clients to your company. He started bringing bigger names to your company and then he had a chance to land the biggest name in your profession but didn't seal the deal. The next year he brought in the names he had been bringing in and then again got close to landing a big name and didn't seal the deal. you suggested to him maybe you should change your presentation up a little bit and he said absolutely not. now this year he's barely bringing in new clients because at this point everyone has heard his stuff before. and then had no chance to land that big fish that is the companies goal. Not only that on one of the annual retreats against your main competing firm from seattle he totally blows the presentation in front of the entire tight knit community to the point you have to apologize for the mess that was his presentation.
Do you keep him around for more of the exact same sales tactics the following year, knowing he is totally unwilling to take any suggestions on how to pitch things to clients? Not major changes it's just that he has 2 people helping him put together his presentation, 1 is rock solid and the other is in over his head. the two of them don't make a good team but he's unwilling to potentially get rid of him and try a tweak to hopefully get over the hump and land the whale of a client that he's been trying to land over the pat 4 years. You just ride it out and hope that something that is obviously broken is going to work because in the past it worked but is spiraling down rapidly to the detriment of your entire company?
Was this company performing better than it had in well over a decade with this salesman?