Originally posted by FredFlintstone:
LMAO! Blazers!? You know the nba isn't like baseball, hockey or at times football where you have some team that came out the ass play for the championship. Cavs vs Warriors or Grizzlies
Michael Jordan = 113
Kobe Bryant = 113
Michael Jordan unexpectedly retired on January 13, 1999
1/13/1999 = 1+1+3+1+9+9+9 = 33
Michael = 33
Kobe = 33
Wilt set his scoring records on January 13 and November 3, or 1/13 and 11/3 once upon a time before scoring 100...
These are important numbers when you study numerology and Gematria.
Watch Stephen A. Smith argue who is better at the age of 33, Kobe or Jordan... and watch it with a new perspective.
A game of numbers is upon us, that we don't recognize, until we see it.
The first NBA Draft outside of New York was in Oregon, on a date with '33' numerology. Oregon is the 33rd State. That year, Shaq, an outright Freemason, was taken #1 overall, by the Magic. He wore 33 at LSU.
Magic = 13+1+7+9+3 = 33
Bird = 2+9+18+4 = 33
Massachusetts is one of only three state with a Gematria of '33'.
They are the first and last, Delaware and Hawaii, and the sixth, Massachusetts.
The Kennedy family is from there... Kennedy = 33... everyone in that family has died on a date with '33' numerology. Hmmm....