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49ers Offensive Line

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  • okdkid
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Originally posted by BoldRedandGold:
Staley and mclinchey both got outplayed by backups while they were out then came back and didn't redeem themselves. Ugly to watch knowing that bench is better than the guys out there.

There is just no question that Brunskill the the guy to play RT right now. It's not close.
Originally posted by NinerGM:
Well we can kill all that talk about not drafting OL this year because in addition to McGlinchy and Staley being rusty, Tomlinson was absolutely abysmal.

The OL really fell apart when Richburg hurt his hand. That is when Seattle started getting more consistent interior pressure and really killed any sort of pocket for Garoppolo.

McGlinchey and Staley were both rusty as hell and should have likely sat out another week but center really is the key to the offense and they are going to have to find a more suitable backup there because the dropoff between Richburg to Garland is ENORMOUS.
  • okdkid
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Originally posted by NinerGM:
Originally posted by Phoenix49ers:
Originally posted by NinerGM:
Well we can kill all that talk about not drafting OL this year because in addition to McGlinchy and Staley being rusty, Tomlinson was absolutely abysmal.

The OL really fell apart when Richburg hurt his hand. That is when Seattle started getting more consistent interior pressure and really killed any sort of pocket for Garoppolo.

McGlinchey and Staley were both rusty as hell and should have likely sat out another week but center really is the key to the offense and they are going to have to find a more suitable backup there because the dropoff between Richburg to Garland is ENORMOUS.

I don't know about all that. Sure Richburg had his issues, but Tomlinson was getting worked even before Richburg game out. It was clear they were going to attack Tomlinson and the gap between him and Staley. It was open all night long. Richburg can't block for two people every down.

When Sanders came out, that's when blocks needed to be held longer. This is where I need Kyle to adjust. Christ, even bring in an extra TE. They had Juice blocking Clowney and then get chipped by Dwelley - really? I don't know what Kyle was doing during this game. Maybe he watched way too much of the Hawks game against Tampa and thought we could do the same. That's fine, but you have to play with the offense you have and sometimes give up on the game plan and adjust and let it go. Really there were too few screens, passes in the flat. To me if felt like he just let Deebo and Bourne run all of Sanders routes while asking Staely and co to hold blocks. No one coached them to keep a lane open if Jimmy needed to bail. He's not a statue at all back there.

It just didn't seem like it was a well coached game. The execution was terrible and not just Seattle selling out to stop the run. We've seen that before and have still had success.

Agreed. I'm sure Kyle will be up all night watching tape of this game & kicking himself all night long. Watch, get upset & adjust for next week. These tackles better be out to play much better next week or they should be benched if they are not ready.
Originally posted by okdkid:

I would agree
That was a horrendous outing by every single one of the OL. Embarrassing. Totally uninspired effort too. They just looked lazy and slow and uninterested. Very odd. And what's up with the IZ? Didn't we used to be an OZ team? Hey...let's HaRoman this b***h and run up the gut against a 9 man box. Might as well bring Trenton Brown back for that crap.
[ Edited by NCommand on Nov 11, 2019 at 10:03 PM ]
Originally posted by okdkid:
Originally posted by BoldRedandGold:
Staley and mclinchey both got outplayed by backups while they were out then came back and didn't redeem themselves. Ugly to watch knowing that bench is better than the guys out there.

There is just no question that Brunskill the the guy to play RT right now. It's not close.

I'd have zero issues with that. Inexcusable for a player as talented as MM to play like that. Rust or not. If you're not ready...
Originally posted by NCommand:
That was a horrendous outing by every single one of the OL. Embarrassing. Totally uninspired effort too. They just looked lazy and slow and uninterested. Very odd. And what's up with the IZ? Didn't we used to be an OZ team? Hey...let's HaRoman this b***h and run up the gut against a 9 man box. Might as well bring Trenton Brown back for that crap.

We don't have the food service budget for that.
Originally posted by NinerGM:
Well we can kill all that talk about not drafting OL this year because in addition to McGlinchy and Staley being rusty, Tomlinson was absolutely abysmal.

not really. This next years draft, will have heavy debate among Niner fans between WR and OL.

Although with the way our front office whiffs on drafting receivers, maybe they should stop while they're ahead. Their track record has been awful.
Originally posted by zeppfan1:
We don't have the food service budget for that.

LOL. This is true.

Originally posted by NinerGM:
Originally posted by NCommand:
That was a horrendous outing by every single one of the OL. Embarrassing. Totally uninspired effort too. They just looked lazy and slow and uninterested. Very odd. And what's up with the IZ? Didn't we used to be an OZ team? Hey...let's HaRoman this b***h and run up the gut against a 9 man box. Might as well being Trenton Brown back for that crap.

I don't know if McDaniel or Benson or Kyle owns this game plan, but it was terrible. The only thing I can think of NC is that they wanted less pressure on the tackles because they were just coming back from injury. The whiffing looked like that pre-season game against Denver.

And Kyle just left them on an island too. It didn't matter where Clowney lined up, he was singled. When they did help it was with Mostert or Dwelley and they were a turnstile.
[ Edited by NCommand on Nov 11, 2019 at 10:16 PM ]
Tomlinson and Richburg were both getting worked from the start. No push form eigher guy in the run game. Garland came in and just got destroyed. Mcglinchey plays too high. Gives up leverage and it's over Staley got dominated all night. Next week it's Chandler Jones. A guy he's always had issues with. Not good
It was a gamble to bring back Staley and McGlinchey for this game and it backfired. Brunskill and Skule should have started. Losing Richburg did not help either. Jimmy was under pressure all game
  • mayo49
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Man - Staley, Tomlinson and McGlinchey were horrible.
I hate McGlinchey.... so bad.
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