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49ers Offensive Line

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Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Of course you don't lol. Love seeing those low QB hit #s this year. Like you said all offseason, that is the true, tangible stat to look at

Oh definitely! Don't get me wrong, the OL PP is moot if you're running 200 yards a game and passing the least in the NFL. We were running nearly 60% of the time. Last 2 years, throwing 60%

I've always been most concerned with PP because of this. Now we're getting back to that 60/40 passing/running (more actually) so now the talent must stand on it's own.

That's why it's bad right now and why they don't look like the first 6 weeks. This is NOT a good pass protection OL. That's not their strength.

QB hits This year say otherwise
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
QB hits This year say otherwise

BTW: Where have you been?
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Of course you don't lol. Love seeing those low QB hit #s this year. Like you said all offseason, that is the true, tangible stat to look at

Oh definitely! Don't get me wrong, the OL PP is moot if you're running 200 yards a game and passing the least in the NFL. We were running nearly 60% of the time. Last 2 years, throwing 60%

I've always been most concerned with PP because of this. Now we're getting back to that 60/40 passing/running (more actually) so now the talent must stand on it's own.

That's why it's bad right now and why they don't look like the first 6 weeks. This is NOT a good pass protection OL. That's not their strength.

QB hits This year say otherwise

Exactly. O line is playing much better this year
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
QB hits This year say otherwise

BTW: Where have you been?

I don't know man, sounds to me like a lot of excuses as to why the #s are low, but oh well
Felt I was spending too much time on here arguing about dumb s**t like what's the 1st thing I do upon my return LOL.
Go Niners
Originally posted by roman49ers:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Of course you don't lol. Love seeing those low QB hit #s this year. Like you said all offseason, that is the true, tangible stat to look at

Oh definitely! Don't get me wrong, the OL PP is moot if you're running 200 yards a game and passing the least in the NFL. We were running nearly 60% of the time. Last 2 years, throwing 60%

I've always been most concerned with PP because of this. Now we're getting back to that 60/40 passing/running (more actually) so now the talent must stand on it's own.

That's why it's bad right now and why they don't look like the first 6 weeks. This is NOT a good pass protection OL. That's not their strength.

QB hits This year say otherwise

Exactly. O line is playing much better this year

Run blocking (until recently), no question! PP, exactly the same.
Originally posted by roman49ers:
Exactly. O line is playing much better this year

In no way am I saying they are an elite PP unit; but they are clearly better. Not even basing this off of qb hits and other stats.
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by roman49ers:
Exactly. O line is playing much better this year

In no way am I saying they are an elite PP unit; but they are clearly better. Not even basing this off of qb hits and other stats.

You could do a simple basic analysis: passing attempts divided by number of QB hits the last 2 years to get a per-game rate. Compare to this year.

We had 125 last year and 117 the year before. We have 51 right now.

What did you find?
[ Edited by NCommand on Nov 24, 2019 at 11:23 AM ]
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by roman49ers:
Exactly. O line is playing much better this year

In no way am I saying they are an elite PP unit; but they are clearly better. Not even basing this off of qb hits and other stats.

You could do a simple basic analysis: passing attempts divided by number of QB hits the last 2 years to this year to get a per-game rate.

We had 125 last year and 129 the year before. We have 51 right now.

What did you find?

Using the criteria that you repeated all offseason (125!...125!...125!), I found the OL is much improved in PP, as I have stated above, You clearly feel different, so not much more to say...but I have a feeling you will get the last word
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Using the criteria that you repeated all offseason (125!...125!...125!), I found the OL is much improved in PP, as I have stated above, You clearly feel different, so not much more to say...but I have a feeling you will get the last word

It's all good. I'll stat it up later. Yes, if you're looking at pure raw overall numbers, I totally agree. The hits have gone way down and that's great! ...just noting it's not because they are better at PP, it's because up until 3 games ago, they didn't need to pass, passed the least in the NFL (can't get hit if you don't pass), scheme, extra blockers, Garoppolo's time to throw stats, etc. I was just providing context for those numbers.

But hey, 51 hits is awesome so far and decreases the likelihood JG gets hurt and his mechanics are ruined!

Just pay attention to the hits's starting to climb quickly again naturally, because we're being forced to pass way more again.
[ Edited by NCommand on Nov 24, 2019 at 11:32 AM ]
Hoov, I'm happy to report so far! We'll have to assess at the end of the year, this % QB hit rate per passing attempt:

2019: 51. 317 attempts divided by 51 = 16.1% per game
2018: 125. 532 attempts divided by 125 = 23.5% per game
2017: 117. 607 attempts divided by 117 = 19.3% per game

These are climbing. For instance, last game, JG was under 'pressure' 55% of his drop backs.

For reference, the Dolphins are the worst. 94 QB hits (through 10 games) in only 362 attempts (through 11 games) for a whopping 26%. I'll update once this weeks hits are updated.
[ Edited by NCommand on Nov 24, 2019 at 2:51 PM ]

Ya feel me now, Hoov?
Is Skule still Staley's obvious replacement?
Originally posted by NCommand:
Ya feel me now, Hoov?

Once Skule got yanked the Packers pass rush became a lot less ferocious. The Smiths have been wrecking OL's all over the league so its not like they were going up against scrubs.

This will definitely calm down some of the "Skule is the LT of the future" talk. He very well could be but it is way too early to say so definitively.
Originally posted by Phoenix49ers:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Ya feel me now, Hoov?

Once Skule got yanked the Packers pass rush became a lot less ferocious. The Smiths have been wrecking OL's all over the league so its not like they were going up against scrubs.

This will definitely calm down some of the "Skule is the LT of the future" talk. He very well could be but it is way too early to say so definitively.

Yeah, Preston was one of my FA targets.

Highly doubt it on Skule. Talent is talent and he's just not very talented. Plus he's regressed every game esp. the more we've passed. Proud of Brunskill.
  • Giedi
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Originally posted by NCommand:
Yeah, Preston was one of my FA targets.

Highly doubt it on Skule. Talent is talent and he's just not very talented. Plus he's regressed every game esp. the more we've passed. Proud of Brunskill.

Pettis is talented but just doesn't have that mentality. I hope Skule recovers, and keeps his attitude. I think he can play in the NFL, and with a good work ethic and strong mental attitude, I think he's a good candidate for Left Tackle when Staley decides to hang it up.
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