Originally posted by NYniner85:
Levin Blackdude has no clue if Kyle has the talent at picking a QB.
Right or wrong, I have posted several times that as good as kyle is at picking RBs and TEs, for whatever reason that skill has not transferred over to his picking great talents at QB. Just look at the crew he has picked to date...Hoyer, fascination with Cousins, Mullie, CJ. Also he has said he was dead set against picking a QB with the #2 pick in the draft and went DT. Mahomes was there but kyle had already made up his mind not to take a QB high. Those were his words or pretty close. He knew Mahomes was a winner , a super talent but just pre decided against going QB that high. He admits also that was a mistake. Big deal, we ALL make mistakes, and he owned up to it.
Black just happened to agree with what i have felt for awhile now, and I also agree that QB really should be JL's pick More likely like with other picks they discuss it but there have been picks Kyle jumps up for ....no need naming them...that JL most likely would not have taken. RBs, QBs, among a few others. Again, no body can bat 1000, but kyle seems to have some kind of block with QBs. And like he said, he KNEW Mahomes was the real deal...but in his mind he had already decided on Cousins. So a Mahomes was out.
It happens. The really odd inexplicable thing for me tho, is that despite this lack of a 6th sense for acquiring QBs, he is definitely a QB Whisperer. Harbaw like to be called that, but unquestionably, Kyle really is THE QB Whisperer. But picking them....that's another matter.
I don't fault him for it but he and JL know by now, that if kyle gets a wild hair for someone, JL really needs to be the final word on it. McK, the other running back that wasn't, Pettis, CJ, and Mullie who we ALL thot was wunderkind after seeing his 8 straight games some time back. Didn't translate into this yr tho.
Again, so what if he has made a few bad picks. Who doesn't? Unfortunately, a fair number of those were QBs...which just seems so eerily strange. RBs from nowhere, TEs...kyle is a wizard...or both he and John are. Those two guys took a team with one real player, DeFO, and built a SB team around him...in 3 (THREE) yrs no less. No matter how you slice it that was a phenomenal feat. Nobody saw it coming, nor predicted it. Yet KS /JL did just that...built a SB team from nothing in just 3 yrs. So no matter how bad several of Kyle's picks have been, over a 45 and 53 man team, the twosome has phenomenal talent for picking talent and building a SB team from scratch. That is a rare and truly wonderful thing in your HC/GM.
As for QBs, i just hope he leaves those to John, and when there is a guy not on our board , or way down the board, if kyle suddenly gets a flash, he would be way better off leaving the final decision to John. But to build a SB team in 3 yrs, the ratio of great picks and solid picks dwarfs the few poor ones we have had. My hope is kyle defers to JL who is less excitable and can think thru an off the wall pick. I just hope kyle realizes that and lets his GM do his job.
We all know they both go to great lengths to agree on their picks. Also we got a talented 3rd guy helping make decisions, and he should have his say on picks kyle "has to have". Overall tho...we are dang lucky we got both guys because together they have done what nobody had been able to do here in almost 18 yrs....build a sustainable SB ready team , yr after yr. Harbs inherited a bushel basket of talent thanks to us picking in top 3-5 every yr (and #1 one yr), and then organized it. But KS / JL started with DeFo and nothing else.
No one will forget what they built in 3 measly yrs. it was an awesome display of talent evaluation , guts, player development, and superb coaching. As long as they stay here we will always be in contention, barring a health train wreck like we saw this yr.