Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
I've posted similar comments in the past but I want to repeat that even the best O line isn't going to solve all of Jimmy's problems. The Niners run an offense not unlike many around the league. There are a lot of short passes mixed in with runs. Not a lot of really long throws (30 yards or more). The reason is obvious. The average time a QB has is about 2.7 seconds. Fifty-eight percent of all sacks happened between 2 and 3 seconds. That tells me that O lines are having trouble. Why?
Colleges mostly run option offenses that don't require O linemen to hold blocks very long. That doesn't mean thy can't learn in the NFL but they aren't coming out of college ready to be accomplished pass blockers. So what are teams doing? Throwing quick short passes. The average QB completion percentage is way higher than it was a few years ago. It used to be considered good to complete 63% of your passes. Now QBs are routinely completing 67-70%. It's not because they're better. It's because of the short patterns over the middle that are a higher % throw. The same kind Kyle likes. Having a mobile QB isn't going to change the offense much other than maybe an occasional option run. What it would do is but him more time when the blocking breaks down, and it will break down. When it doesn't, even the fastest QB is better off throwing from the pocket.
Having a mobile QB will absolutely change the offense. It's another weapon for Kyle. It dictates coverages, epically on 3rd downs. It actually helps some of these young OL that deal with these spread offenses and are use too having to PP for a mobile QB.
It's also more than being "mobile" it's having the ability to move in the pocket, feel pressure... when a QB doesn't move up in the pocket that's on him if he get's hit, not the OL. If he calls the wrong protection that's on him, not the OL. Same thing if he reads the coverage wrong and the play-call he audibled to doesn't work (ex WR doesn't get open blown play).
QBs gotta be able to move in todays game. You can't have heavy fit or be dancing around not knowing what you're gonna do. If the pockets resets then move with it. IMO it has nothing to do with being fast.