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49ers Offensive Line

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Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by Hysterikal:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
No he wasn't, he only had double standards. No other team was any different than what we do

we currently have a SB caliber OL, and we added more depth. What more can you ask for

An All-Pro at every OL position is what more I can ask for. Also I would like them to maintain a very talented roster and have a FQB for the next 20 years. Cause the reality of building teams sucks

I think Foerster is a good enough coach to develop his players. Brendel, Banks, Feliciano, etc.. have all become quality starters. NC's point (I think) was to give Foerster better athletes with higher ceilings in order to have a deeply talented OLine that can be among the best, not just merely good enough. Person and Burford being dominated by Chris Jones comes to mind. If Richburg or Felicano didn't get hurt, conceivably Chris Jones doesn't have those Superbowl game winning plays.
You can't have all of your picks be in the first round. So that for sure quality OL pick at the end of the first round isn't going to be there. Unless you make another multiple first round trade again.

it's a give and take reality here and the 49ers have done a great job at keeping a winning team on the field.

I don't think NC wanted five Trent Williams on the OLine. But he did want better talent on the OLine. Whats to stop the 49ers from trading down a day two pick to get multiple high round day 3 picks and invest that into an OLineman? (Instead of drafting a running back - for example) Especially if you can get a supposedly raw but talented OLineman on a rookie contract.

I think NC's main idea was that Kyle got Jauan Jennings, Brieda, Mason by stacking talent at those particular positons, and he wanted the same thing for the OLine. They are beginning to do that with the Puni/Kingston picks but his point was it was a year (or more) too late.
Not only NC wanted 5 all pro starting OL, he went on saying we should have back ups of the same caliber after being debunked on his investing on OL myth.

We've gone over this way too many times and you are new to this so you are kinda late to the party, so i don't fault you on this.

Not all high OL will be studs, shoot only a small % of OL tend to be studs... and if you pick all OL and no skill players then you have no team.

not sure what the gripe is about OL, it's gotten dratically better every year since Kyle has been here.

NC would have been ecstatic if there were 5 Trent Williams on the OLine, but he was mostly sarcastic on this issue (five 1st round picks on the OLine.) Unfortunately his pokes to the folks who disagreed with him on this issue was taken a bit too seriously.

I certainly don't subscribe to that point, and I doubt NC did either. Developing OLine (or any other squad) needs commitment and adequately provided resources. Constantly drafting day 3 OLinemen (and also DBs) in a sense backfired on ShanaLynch in the playoffs and superbowl. Hopefully the Puni/Green picks is a sign ShanaLynch has learned their lesson.
he's not being sarcastic. he just talks out of the you know what and spins it when he gets busted.

You think he was ecstatic when we had 3 first rounders starting for us in 2021? uh no lol

if you're truly on the development side of things.. then you can't be impatient with developing. OL isn't an easy position to come by and we've done a great job of what we've got.

Alex would retire the next year, so he was nowhere playing at the level he was in his prime. Laken never lived up to his draft position. As for the year prior and two years after - 49ers never added any talent higher than a day 3 pick. NY85 has repeatedly stated, and I agree with him, OLinemen takes time to develop.

We'll, if so, then acquire high floor/high ceiling players and develop them to their potential on a continual basis. But you need to *at least* attempt to add decent talent. All they did was add day 3 level talent - which to me - signals a lack of commitment to the OLine, similar to the way ShanaLynch drafts day 3 level DB talent to their detriment in the playoffs - against a strong armed and mobile QBs like Patrick.
Alex retiring, laken not living to his draft position is irrelevant. You called the need for high level talent. TW, LT, Mack & McGlinch are all very high level talent.. but you don't think it's enough.. even though it was more than enough. you can't advocate for wanting high level talent then dismiss the high level talent that we had.

The last 3 years we had a SB caliber OL and once again the OL didn't end up being the factor for our loss.

OL are like wine, they just need to age in system, preferably the same system

Adding a soon-to-be retiring former all-pro isn't *adding* high level talent. Laken did well, because of Trent. Mcglinchy was was a passing game liability and eventually outplayed by Mckivitz, a day three pick.

I'm not talking draft positon. I'm talking *talent level.* Yes you can find talent in the 7th round (Brock is an example) but try doing that year in and year out and and your hit rate would be abysmal.

They should have drafted OLinemen *higher* - is my point. The Puni and Banks picks are great examples of that. This is important because ShanaLynch now have a generational talent at QB. I don't want him to have an Andrew Luck kind of career.

Superbowl level offensive line talent? Barely adequate playoff level talent, in my opinion. Last year the OLine barely held up against green Bay and the Lions game. One OLine injury and Chris Jones shut down our right guard. I think there are statistics out there saying last years OLine was at the bottom half in pass protection.
it's only bottom due stat skewing as it takes less passes needed to go down field. hence we were dead last in pass attempts but near the top in a lot of pass categories.

Did you even watch those playoff games.. it wasn't due to the OL.. the OL can't block 8-9 guys. Defense sold out for the run and we had no separation at WR

but guess what the OL still held and we won those games, if it truly was the OL, we don't comeback in those games at all
The OLine is our biggest weakness.

If you were to ask Warren Sharp, of Sharp Football Analysis, he might say the 49ers offensive line is the weakness of the team. And I would be inclined to agree. Sharp recently ranked the NFL's best offensive lines, and he placed the 49ers at number 16, about the middle of the pack.

"The offensive line is the only 49ers position group to not crack the top 10, finishing at 16," Sharp wrote.

Originally posted by SanDiego49er:

If you were to ask Warren Sharp, of Sharp Football Analysis, he might say the 49ers offensive line is the weakness of the team. And I would be inclined to agree. Sharp recently ranked the NFL's best offensive lines, and he placed the 49ers at number 16, about the middle of the pack.

"The offensive line is the only 49ers position group to not crack the top 10, finishing at 16," Sharp wrote.

He's obviously projecting. Technically he also has as 17th cuz we're tied with his score with Baltimore. But he also has Steelers well behind us and they just drafted two excellent prospects for their system.

Lots of uncertainty right now and clearly OLines with known starters get a bump up but may not end up being better. Also OL isn't broken up into run vs pass. We've been a much worse pass pro unit. Hopefully Puni's addition changes that.
Originally posted by genus49:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:

If you were to ask Warren Sharp, of Sharp Football Analysis, he might say the 49ers offensive line is the weakness of the team. And I would be inclined to agree. Sharp recently ranked the NFL's best offensive lines, and he placed the 49ers at number 16, about the middle of the pack.

"The offensive line is the only 49ers position group to not crack the top 10, finishing at 16," Sharp wrote.

He's obviously projecting. Technically he also has as 17th cuz we're tied with his score with Baltimore. But he also has Steelers well behind us and they just drafted two excellent prospects for their system.

Lots of uncertainty right now and clearly OLines with known starters get a bump up but may not end up being better. Also OL isn't broken up into run vs pass. We've been a much worse pass pro unit. Hopefully Puni's addition changes that.

Honestly I would say we are 20 - 25. He's way high and too generous. When Trent Williams is injured we completely fall apart. Just not even functional.
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by genus49:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:

If you were to ask Warren Sharp, of Sharp Football Analysis, he might say the 49ers offensive line is the weakness of the team. And I would be inclined to agree. Sharp recently ranked the NFL's best offensive lines, and he placed the 49ers at number 16, about the middle of the pack.

"The offensive line is the only 49ers position group to not crack the top 10, finishing at 16," Sharp wrote.

He's obviously projecting. Technically he also has as 17th cuz we're tied with his score with Baltimore. But he also has Steelers well behind us and they just drafted two excellent prospects for their system.

Lots of uncertainty right now and clearly OLines with known starters get a bump up but may not end up being better. Also OL isn't broken up into run vs pass. We've been a much worse pass pro unit. Hopefully Puni's addition changes that.

Honestly I would say we are 20 - 25. He's way high and too generous. When Trent Williams is injured we completely fall apart. Just not even functional.

We finished around middle of the pack last season, probably be around there again. Where do you see this crazy fall off frm 14-17 to #25?
Originally posted by LasVegasWally:
The OLine is our biggest weakness.

Wow. So its not the LB or WR position?
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:

If you were to ask Warren Sharp, of Sharp Football Analysis, he might say the 49ers offensive line is the weakness of the team. And I would be inclined to agree. Sharp recently ranked the NFL's best offensive lines, and he placed the 49ers at number 16, about the middle of the pack.

"The offensive line is the only 49ers position group to not crack the top 10, finishing at 16," Sharp wrote.

I think most folks agree it's avg to below avg compared to the rest of the league. Not too many teams that have every single position group in the top 10 though.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:

If you were to ask Warren Sharp, of Sharp Football Analysis, he might say the 49ers offensive line is the weakness of the team. And I would be inclined to agree. Sharp recently ranked the NFL's best offensive lines, and he placed the 49ers at number 16, about the middle of the pack.

"The offensive line is the only 49ers position group to not crack the top 10, finishing at 16," Sharp wrote.

I think most folks agree it's avg to below avg compared to the rest of the league. Not too many teams that have every single position group in the top 10 though.

Yeah that's true. I agree. But it could be improved and is one big area to address for us.
Very big year for McKivitz and Brendle.

IMO, If we fail again it'll be a wake-up call to JL/KS.

Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:

If you were to ask Warren Sharp, of Sharp Football Analysis, he might say the 49ers offensive line is the weakness of the team. And I would be inclined to agree. Sharp recently ranked the NFL's best offensive lines, and he placed the 49ers at number 16, about the middle of the pack.

"The offensive line is the only 49ers position group to not crack the top 10, finishing at 16," Sharp wrote.

I think most folks agree it's avg to below avg compared to the rest of the league. Not too many teams that have every single position group in the top 10 though.

Yeah that's true. I agree. But it could be improved and is one big area to address for us.

"It could be improved" -- sure, the detriment of improving/maintaining other positions.

There's this new thing called the salary cap that's making waves.

This is how your coach chooses to navigate it and per the metric you posted, it's still somehow in the top half of the league.

Every team can improve at every position, though. So empty words like "it can be improved" without any philosophical roadmap we can look into or debate here is rather -- well -- empty.
is Trent overrated?
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
is Trent overrated?

I think he is underrated.

All I hear about our O-line is how weak it is, I rarely hear about the once in a lifetime future H.O.F left tackle that we have on that o-line.
Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
is Trent overrated?

I think he is underrated.

All I hear about our O-line is how weak it is, I rarely hear about the once in a lifetime future H.O.F left tackle that we have on that o-line.

When he was out last season the offense was horrible. We couldn't run the ball at all. Its quite scray tbh.
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
is Trent overrated?

I think he is underrated.

All I hear about our O-line is how weak it is, I rarely hear about the once in a lifetime future H.O.F left tackle that we have on that o-line.

When he was out last season the offense was horrible. We couldn't run the ball at all. Its quite scray tbh.


I think a lot of people bash the o-line because we only have 1 household name up front. I watched Bill Walsh use this same strategy when he had o-line coach Bobb McKittrick. If we really think about it; Shanahan has gotten to two super bowls using a similar strategy (Coaching up UDFA and late round picks to man the o-line positions).

With that said, our true staple up front (Big Trent) was drafted #4 overall when he came out of college. He is not a typical low round pick, he is the cream of the crop. Shanahan's scheme fits this guy perfectly. I know we want 5 Trent Williams type of O-linemen up front (Similar to the Hogs 1980's or the 1990's Cowboys) but I don't think that is possible in today's football due to the salary cap. Not to mention we would have to consistently draft in the top 5-10 picks to make that happen which is also highly unlikely.

Big $ now goes to QB's & WR's, with that you get one Trent Williams (once in a generation talent) up front on most good teams.
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