Originally posted by LB49ers:
Ok first what makes him more accomplished than most of us here "being a professional athlete". Second he didn't take down the pic till he started getting trashed so he didn't realize he made a mistake till people blew up his comments and these were people who follow him and are his fans. Third by your logic no one should criticize unless we are perfect.
At 27 I had my own home in an upscale neighborhood and a wife. I still do but I wasn't financially set for life as he is already. I hadn't done as much charitable work and I still haven't. The guy has accomplished a good deal more than a lot of folk here. He didn't get where he is by just being born. He likely heeded advice from his parents and coaches and organization and put in more hours at his job than I have at mine. Being a pro athlete at the level Kap is at requires much more than 40 hours a week I presume. Most here couldn't hack it I'm willing to bet even if they had talent.
It makes sense he took down the pic once he realized the ramifications of what happened in HOU. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't any of us? He made a very stupid mistake and it lasted all but maybe ten minutes. He retracted his tweet but others can't let it go as if he truly meant to be evil it seems. Shame on him for posting it but good on him pulling it and apologizing for it. I've seen much worse from other athletes this year and last. We can criticize him for the post because no one is above criticism but we need not get carried away with criticism or else we start to look ridiculous