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Colin Kaepernick Thread

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It was definitely insensitive but I bet if people sat and thought about it for a second they would realize Kap really wasn't trying to hurt anyone that was affected, I really cant for the life of me figure out why people act like such wimps, its my generation too (80's)
I'll keep saying it, I'm baffled the zone gives this guy's immaturity a pass. This is your QB for f**ks sake. He's suppose to think a few moves ahead.
Originally posted by Youngone:
I'll keep saying it, I'm baffled the zone gives this guy's immaturity a pass. This is your QB for f**ks sake. He's suppose to think a few moves ahead.
Still mad?
[ Edited by Jesu80ncleats on May 27, 2015 at 7:19 AM ]
Originally posted by maximusdecimus:
Murph and Mac, on KNBR, the flagship of the 49ers are ripping the hell out of kap. Sorry but you can't label them as kap haters.

"This guy isn't a criminal or a bad guy but can you be any more of a knucklehead? God this guy is just so exhausting!"
He just doesn't have any common sense.

It's only exhausting to those who pick apart his every move.

Me personally, as long as he isn't breaking any laws and is continually working to get better, then I couldn't care less about some stupid tweet he eventually apologized for. It's only an issue if you want to make it one. Was it dumb and uninformed? Absolutely. But I think pretty much anything posted on twitter/instafacebook besides news/team updates is stupid. He made a mistake. He owned up to it. If you can't get past it at that point then you probably have some other issues with him.
That's our QB...sigh
As some one who is the face of a franchise you shouldn't make the joke. He's wrong on a professional matter but not morally
[ Edited by Since07 on May 27, 2015 at 7:31 AM ]
Originally posted by Jesu80ncleats:
It was definitely insensitive but I bet if people sat and thought about it for a second they would realize Kap really wasn't trying to hurt anyone that was affected, I really cant for the life of me figure out why people act like such wimps, its my generation too (80's)

I wouldn't say people are "mad"...its just poor taste. If you have the following he does you should be intelligent enough to check before you send something out. Somebody said something a few pages back that I do agree with. If another QB did this, most brushing off this incident probably wouldn't be so nice. And had the natural disaster been in CA, namely the Bay Area...well I think you get my point.

I think his apology was genuine so no harm no foul. He just needs to think twice before doing something like this. The only thing I question is where did he grab the pic from? If he pulled it off an actual new site, the headline would've probably said something about people being dead.
  • dmax
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Originally posted by Youngone:
I'll keep saying it, I'm baffled the zone gives this guy's immaturity a pass. This is your QB for f**ks sake. He's suppose to think a few moves ahead.

So am i..sigh
Originally posted by Youngone:
I'll keep saying it, I'm baffled the zone gives this guy's immaturity a pass. This is your QB for f**ks sake. He's suppose to think a few moves ahead.

I am a huge CK7 fan on the field. Off the field and in press conferences he is lacking. I applaud him for his off season work with a QB coach and Kurt Warner. He needs to take some of that energy and hire a PR firm to show him how to act at a press conference and to let him know what is appropriate social media.

Heck I will do it for free. I would DVR all of Andrew Lucks press conference and Peyton manning, and say this is what you want to strive for to be a leader.
Originally posted by Jesu80ncleats:
It was definitely insensitive but I bet if people sat and thought about it for a second they would realize Kap really wasn't trying to hurt anyone that was affected, I really cant for the life of me figure out why people act like such wimps, its my generation too (80's)

Yeah there's a couple ways to think about it IMO.

1. He needs to use his brain before posting stuff...period.

2. In no way am I supporting what he said because it was very foolish (this is more of a general statement) people now a days are offended by everything! like you said we a a civilization have become wimps.
Originally posted by jreff22:
Originally posted by Jesu80ncleats:
It was definitely insensitive but I bet if people sat and thought about it for a second they would realize Kap really wasn't trying to hurt anyone that was affected, I really cant for the life of me figure out why people act like such wimps, its my generation too (80's)

I wouldn't say people are "mad"...its just poor taste. If you have the following he does you should be intelligent enough to check before you send something out. Somebody said something a few pages back that I do agree with. If another QB did this, most brushing off this incident probably wouldn't be so nice. And had the natural disaster been in CA, namely the Bay Area...well I think you get my point.

I think his apology was genuine so no harm no foul. He just needs to think twice before doing something like this. The only thing I question is where did he grab the pic from? If he pulled it off an actual new site, the headline would've probably said something about people being dead.

Agree. He seems incredibly impulsive and may not have read the headline of a disaster picture...just saw it, thought it would be funny, and, bang, boom. I'm not sure what it means for a celebrity to find it necessary to be on social media so much. Is it trying to circumvent the press by presenting himself via his own media? Or is it just a need for even more attention? The funny thing is that if he spent as much time on social media as folks think, he would be doing a better job editing. Seems likely he just posts when bored and finds it a fun activity...maybe someone should by him Madden.
Originally posted by jreff22:
Originally posted by Jesu80ncleats:
It was definitely insensitive but I bet if people sat and thought about it for a second they would realize Kap really wasn't trying to hurt anyone that was affected, I really cant for the life of me figure out why people act like such wimps, its my generation too (80's)

I wouldn't say people are "mad"...its just poor taste. If you have the following he does you should be intelligent enough to check before you send something out. Somebody said something a few pages back that I do agree with. If another QB did this, most brushing off this incident probably wouldn't be so nice. And had the natural disaster been in CA, namely the Bay Area...well I think you get my point.

I think his apology was genuine so no harm no foul. He just needs to think twice before doing something like this. The only thing I question is where did he grab the pic from? If he pulled it off an actual new site, the headline would've probably said something about people being dead.
Oh people are mad, and people shouldn't be. Imagine if people weren't as sensitive as they are this wouldn't be an issue but since it is everyone wants to talk about how Kap is mean and insensitive and he doesn't care about people who died etc etc, its pathetic really, I mean do people really believe that Kap thinks people dieing in a flood is funny?

Sure this day and age Kap should think a little longer before posting, but people should also think before they pass judgment some of the things people come up with blow my mind. I swear this Country has lost its damn mind lol.
Originally posted by 9erguy:
I have been a part of the faithful for 30 years. Have lived in Houston for 25 of those. I didnt take offense to this, as It's realistic to think that he wasnt fully aware of the magnitude of the floods that are happening around here. Dumb post, he apologized..Im over it.

My advice to Kaepernick is to get off of social media.

I think this would be most people's advice to Kaepernick. You really can't win and its bad enough that people will always look for a reason to criticize you, you shouldn't give them ammunition to do so. Unforced error on Kaepernick's part.
Originally posted by dtg_9er:
Agree. He seems incredibly impulsive and may not have read the headline of a disaster picture...just saw it, thought it would be funny, and, bang, boom. I'm not sure what it means for a celebrity to find it necessary to be on social media so much. Is it trying to circumvent the press by presenting himself via his own media? Or is it just a need for even more attention? The funny thing is that if he spent as much time on social media as folks think, he would be doing a better job editing. Seems likely he just posts when bored and finds it a fun activity...maybe someone should by him Madden.
I assume hes on social media sites for the same reasons we use them So now what celebrities should maybe lock themselves into a four cornered room and only come out when its time to entertain us? the way people act they might be better off.
Originally posted by Jesu80ncleats:
Oh people are mad, and people shouldn't be. Imagine if people weren't as sensitive as they are this wouldn't be an issue but since it is everyone wants to talk about how Kap is mean and insensitive and he doesn't care about people who died etc etc, its pathetic really, I mean do people really believe that Kap thinks people dieing in a flood is funny?

Sure this day and age Kap should think a little longer before posting, but people should also think before they pass judgment some of the things people come up with blow my mind. I swear this Country has lost its damn mind lol.

I haven't seen anyone mad about the actual post. Who the hell cares?
There are more people questioning his maturity and his addiction to social media. It seems that he has a pressing need to answer all of his "haters" to a fault.
I just question his ability to learn his lesson.
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