Originally posted by brodiebluebanaszak:
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
You dont have very good recall I guess. I have stated in here on several occasions that I saw every single game Montana ever played sitting in my season tickets . I have also said that he is my favorite player ever. The big difference between me and many others in here is that I can be objective and not a homer. I dont say ridiculous things like Montana had better eye control than Brady. LOL. That might be my favorite. Or that Brady could never have lasted in Joe's era. Another silly statement that one could never prove anyway.
People in this WZ, many of whom never saw Joe even play, are so quick to diminish Bradys accomplishments and ignore some of Montana's failures. I believe that both have been amazing QBs with incredible records. The only thing that Joe really has the edge in terms of stats is his SB performance. In 3 of his 4 SBS he really was superb. However, a career should not judged simply on SB wins.
The real answer is that it is impossible to compare ERAs and say a QB today is the GOAT over a guy that played 30 years ago. Joe said this himself and that is what I will continue to go with.
Spare me the BS you threw out in your last line. I am no less of a Niner fan than you simply because I acknowledge that Brady is at least on an equal level as GOAT.
Joe did the little things to be successful in the pocket. Brady, not so much. That's what was meant no matter how badly that was phrased. But thanks for focusing on that and taking it out of context.
I am hardly a homer, since everyone hates me on this board because i call out the front office regularly for BAD DECISIONS that hurt the Niners.
I called out Baalke as a compromised GM while every other mega poster here was propogandizing his every decision.
I don't need to be ahomer to say that there are only three qbs with a body of work and the skillset to be considered hyper elite in the last forty years.
Brady is not on that list. Joe is. Plain and simple. How can you not see it? It's bizarre really.
The only way I can explain it is that you never saw Joe play. But you say you saw every game. So I don't know what to say.
What Brady is doing is expanding the debate regarding skill set -- should we add durability to the list of valued qb skills?
His productivity at his age is unprecedented and that is where things get complicated. I haven't decided yet.
By the way can you say something nice about Joe? Other than he's second best to Brady?
Notice how I don't put down Brady, just make sure Joe's essential qualities are apppreciated.
What is "bizarre really" is that you would have a list of 3 elite QBs in the last 40 years that doesnt include Brady. I guess the rest of the entire football universe is wrong and you are the expert in QB rankings. So who besides Montana would be on your elite list? Does a QB have to be a mobile QB to qualify on your list? Maybe HYPER ELITE is different from elite.

In my opinion, there are more than 3 QBs in the last 40 years that were elite and you can be elite being a pocket passer.