Originally posted by gold49digger:
Originally posted by Rascal:
A lot of McDaniels supporters are still massively butt hurt. They just can't handle the fact that we have decided to go with the BEST candidate in Kyle Shanahan as opposed to a failed ex-HC.
Don't worry, they will calm their sh*t down in due course. Once Kyle gets the team sorted out and start winning, they will have no choice but to get in line.
I was one of the mcd supporters and wasn't a fan of kyle, mainly because of the issues in Washington, but the more I hear, the more convinced I was that he was the guy for us. Everyone knows he has his Xs and Os figured out, its the matter of being the leader of the team and commanding respect.
All I will say is this, I know people have flagged up Kyle's issues in Cleveland and Washington, but you know what? As far as I am concerned those issues were almost microscopic once you compare that to how McDaniels had managed to totally fxxk the Broncos upside down.
As for the question mark on his leadership quality, I am sure he has matured and improved in the area. All you have to do is look at how he had managed to resolve the issues with Matt Ryan. The guy flew all the way out to Southern California in the offseason where Matt was training. They met up and talked through things over a couple of beers and as such things have been all cool since. I see that as a perfect example of Kyle's maturation.