Originally posted by ronniefreakinlott42:Originally posted by jonnydel:gameplanning, gameplanning and more gameplanning - there's so much involved in game-planning it's ridiculous.... Also, teaching technique, thorough understanding of the playbook and when to execute different techniques in those playcalls and against different looks from the opponent. Position coaches diagnosing plays and when one of their positions fails during a game and why they failed so that an adjustment can be made. Running drills to teach technique.
There's so much more that goes into coaching than talking to players about penalties. You can't do much to practice guys not forgetting the snap count.
You don't think practice helps guys with snap counts? Interesting.
No, I really don't. Because you're not going to always snap the ball on the same count. You mix it up from play to play and it's the responsibility of the players to remember that when they break the huddle and the QB to clearly communicate it.
This is something you're taught in football from friggin 5 years old. If they havent gotten it from the first 20,000 reps (no exaggeration) then 5 more each day in practice ain't doing squat.