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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
it is lazy and you just proved it again

Kyle's to blame because he's the leader…he goes on to blame Kyle the coordinator in ATL, not even acknowledging Quinn who was the HC and "leader" lol. Bias trash
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Shanahan fanboy disparaging past Super Bowl winning HC's by calling such achievement a "stroke of luck" to prop Kyle up is beyond pathetic.

more like Shanahaters have no life so they need to project their failures on the HC.

Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
I don't blame just him for the losses but I do say he is responsible. He calls the plays and is the team leader. My beef is with the Kyle fan club that holds him blameless or can't handle any criticism that paints him as a coach who can't win the big one. From my perspective he has proven he can't do it. Will he? Can he? Maybe but for now he is 0-3. That statement alone gets his fan club in an uproar. My take is not lazy. Its based on his track record. Choking is subjective. 0-3 is not.

I'm pretty sure everyone defending Kyle in here from overblown criticism said he's not perfect and acknowledged he can and should do better.

I've spoken many times about my problems with Kyle and my hope that he changes and it helps us win one or more SBs.

But the facts are in all those games there we numerous plays where players failed to do their job and they should be held accountable. Hell your "he's a leader" thing doesn't even apply to Atlanta and yet you and others are giving him the L for that game. 28-3 3rd quarter lead blown…blame the OC. It's crazy.
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
that's basically every year of our gold jacket wearing owner
that's my prob with Jed right now, he went from the Standard is Super Bowls to tweeting we are proud to take Super Ls
it's about lighting a fire so we don't keep having the same stupid crap bite us, the coach lights the fire under the players, so does the owner under the coach

I swear you're such a drama queen sometimes.

Some of you guys hang on the whole Eddie D wouldn't stand for this!

Yes he would because while a hot head he's not an idiot. He never fired Walsh. There were plenty of seasons where we didn't win the SB and Walsh still coached the next season until he decided to walk away and hand it over to Seifert.

This is not the same game that it was in those days. Differnt rules, different situation with the salary cap being in place.

If things were for Kyle the way they were under Eddie D we'd still have Buckner on the roster. We'd still have McGlinchey and Brunskill. We'd still have Jimmie Ward and all the pass rushers who we couldn't pay to keep.

He'd also have a SB win considering in those days a FG in OT won you the game.

So stop bringing up some BS hypothetical from the 80s that has no bearing on todays game.
Originally posted by genus49:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
that's basically every year of our gold jacket wearing owner
that's my prob with Jed right now, he went from the Standard is Super Bowls to tweeting we are proud to take Super Ls
it's about lighting a fire so we don't keep having the same stupid crap bite us, the coach lights the fire under the players, so does the owner under the coach

I swear you're such a drama queen sometimes.

Some of you guys hang on the whole Eddie D wouldn't stand for this!

Yes he would because while a hot head he's not an idiot. He never fired Walsh. There were plenty of seasons where we didn't win the SB and Walsh still coached the next season until he decided to walk away and hand it over to Seifert.

This is not the same game that it was in those days. Differnt rules, different situation with the salary cap being in place.

If things were for Kyle the way they were under Eddie D we'd still have Buckner on the roster. We'd still have McGlinchey and Brunskill. We'd still have Jimmie Ward and all the pass rushers who we couldn't pay to keep.

He'd also have a SB win considering in those days a FG in OT won you the game.

So stop bringing up some BS hypothetical from the 80s that has no bearing on todays game.
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
that's basically every year of our gold jacket wearing owner
that's my prob with Jed right now, he went from the Standard is Super Bowls to tweeting we are proud to take Super Ls
it's about lighting a fire so we don't keep having the same stupid crap bite us, the coach lights the fire under the players, so does the owner under the coach

Lol. You got duped by an excuse to fire a popular and successful HC. Nothing more.
Originally posted by SmokeyJoe:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
that's basically every year of our gold jacket wearing owner
that's my prob with Jed right now, he went from the Standard is Super Bowls to tweeting we are proud to take Super Ls
it's about lighting a fire so we don't keep having the same stupid crap bite us, the coach lights the fire under the players, so does the owner under the coach

Lol. You got duped by an excuse to fire a popular and successful HC. Nothing more.

there is something to be said for creative tension / pressure. i recall the 88 america's game, Walsh had a meeting asking what the problem is after some losing, and Holmgren had to say the problem is you coach. convos like that can get you on the right track. Eddie i have zero question was more than capable of having that type of convo. Jed seems to have grown a lil soft.
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
The point is kyle fan boys paint his critics out as fringe lunatics when they raise valid concerns. You can defend him and disagree all you want but you can't ignore and dismiss the legitimacy of the criticisms. Many hold the view that he is a choker and many believe he will continue to choke. You calling people clowns does not change that. Kyle Chokahan is a choker until he proves otherwise.

lol how about you look from the other side? All we hear are some BS nonsense about a head coach being the told blame for choking. Ya'll can't stomach the concept of nuance and understanding there's a whole hell of a lot that happens on a football field that is out of control of a HC.

Folks bring up other head coaches in the league who haven't don't s**t in over a decade. No one gives them any s**t because they won a Super Bowl 15 yrs ago and DEPENDED on their players to actually make f**king big moment plays to get "their win"

Tomlin doesn't have a ring if not for a toe tap from Holmes or a 100 yard INT from Harrison before halftime. Coughlin might have NO rings if not for some crazy ass catches from Manningham and Tyree. Jimmy G connects on a sanders TD Kyle is a SB winning HC. SF gets a stop on 4th down this yr. They win twice.

Choking is a such a subjective thing. Every single HC "chokes" or is a loser outside of one HC every year apparently. Your take is full on lazy and needing to blame one person.
I don't blame just him for the losses but I do say he is responsible. He calls the plays and is the team leader. My beef is with the Kyle fan club that holds him blameless or can't handle any criticism that paints him as a coach who can't win the big one. From my perspective he has proven he can't do it. Will he? Can he? Maybe but for now he is 0-3. That statement alone gets his fan club in an uproar. My take is not lazy. Its based on his track record. Choking is subjective. 0-3 is not.
it is lazy and you just proved it again

How is it lazy... I'm in the Kyle win it all camp but also have my doubts he can. I think this is a fair post and as he said objective.
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
there is something to be said for creative tension / pressure. i recall the 88 america's game, Walsh had a meeting asking what the problem is after some losing, and Holmgren had to say the problem is you coach. convos like that can get you on the right track. Eddie i have zero question was more than capable of having that type of convo. Jed seems to have grown a lil soft.

Yah that creative pressure sure helps the Cowboys and Colts work exceedingly well..
  • Koldo
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 3,995
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Shanahan fanboy disparaging past Super Bowl winning HC's by calling such achievement a "stroke of luck" to prop Kyle up is beyond pathetic.

more like Shanahaters have no life so they need to project their failures on the HC.


The guy with 21.1 posts/day is mocking me (1.3 posts/day) for having no life. Funny.

  • boast
  • Hella Fame
  • Posts: 150,118
Originally posted by Koldo:
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Shanahan fanboy disparaging past Super Bowl winning HC's by calling such achievement a "stroke of luck" to prop Kyle up is beyond pathetic.

more like Shanahaters have no life so they need to project their failures on the HC.


The guy with 21.1 posts/day is mocking me (1.3 posts/day) for having no life. Funny.

oh im sorry you don't have a job that allows you to chill on the WZ M-F 9 to 5 since 2005. no wonder you cry about the HC.
Originally posted by bassmanr:
How is it lazy... I'm in the Kyle win it all camp but also have my doubts he can. I think this is a fair post and as he said objective.
Dude can't even use his own debate to sound objective lol. Claiming Kyle is the leader (HC) so it's all his fault…yet saying it's his fault as a coordinator in ATL. Not putting any blame on the actual HC and "leader" of that team? Give me a break, that's about as bias as it gets.
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Jul 2, 2024 at 3:05 AM ]
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Shanahan fanboy disparaging past Super Bowl winning HC's by calling such achievement a "stroke of luck" to prop Kyle up is beyond pathetic.

more like Shanahaters have no life so they need to project their failures on the HC.


The guy with 21.1 posts/day is mocking me (1.3 posts/day) for having no life. Funny.

oh im sorry you don't have a job that allows you to chill on the WZ M-F 9 to 5 since 2005. no wonder you cry about the HC.


I mean being upset because someone added context to past super bowls is pathetic.

Again what has Tomlin done in 15yrs? Why isn't his seat "hot"? Dude was given a team that just won a f**king Super Bowl. Needed some pretty ridiculous things to win his own..which happens in football games.

Good thing there's multimillionaire pro athletes that actually play a part in a win or loss, which was my whole point. Not being allowed to add context to football games is ridiculous. Doesn't mean I think Kyle is perfect. No HC is.
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Jul 2, 2024 at 3:30 AM ]
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by bassmanr:
How is it lazy... I'm in the Kyle win it all camp but also have my doubts he can. I think this is a fair post and as he said objective.
Dude can't even use his own debate to sound objective lol. Claiming Kyle is the leader (HC) so it's all his fault…yet saying it's his fault as a coordinator in ATL. Not putting any blame on the actual HC and "leader" of that team? Give me a break, that's about as bias as it gets.

I don't know about Atlanta however the other 2 he was, so I see your point. I hope he wins this year to put this argument to rest.
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Shanahan fanboy disparaging past Super Bowl winning HC's by calling such achievement a "stroke of luck" to prop Kyle up is beyond pathetic.

more like Shanahaters have no life so they need to project their failures on the HC.


The guy with 21.1 posts/day is mocking me (1.3 posts/day) for having no life. Funny.

oh im sorry you don't have a job that allows you to chill on the WZ M-F 9 to 5 since 2005. no wonder you cry about the HC.

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