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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
Still going back and forth after months lol.

He is the head coach. He gets the credit and/or the blame even if he doesn't really deserve it. That comes with the job.

So where's Quinn's blame on the SB? Did McVay get the blame for putting 3 pts up in a SB? Or was that on Goff who got the boot a couple years later?

Tomlin hasn't done s**t in 15yrs and just got an extension…doesn't sound like blame to me. You think if KC lost this SB they're blaming Reid like this fan base blames Kyle?

Of course they get blame. But we're not on those fan sites or forums.

I haven't heard one person from those fan bases blame Quinn or McVay. s**t there aren't even Ram fans that care enough to debate it.

why would this fan base blame Kyle who wasn't even part of this organization or HC for that ATL team? In one breath it's "he's the HC and leader" so it all falls on his shoulders…then it's he lost 3 SBs totally contradicting whatever point you're trying to make. Bunch of dumb petty pu$$y s**t imo.

complaining about having one of if not the best roster in football and actually have a chance to win every yr. The only other team that can realistically say that is KC and that's because of one player.

Tbh I don't care about Atlanta much, but to think he won't be analyzed for teams he was a part of is wrong. It's natural imo and fair game. ( Not that I agree with others conclusions btw lol)

I know steeler fans who hate Tomlin and eagles fans who hated Reid. I really don't know many west coast fans because I live on East coast.

Again, there's two loud groups in here. The fire crowd. And the Kyle's a god now kiss his feet and be happy because it could be worse crowd. Both are silly imo

I and many others (including you tbh) aren't saying fire him or anything like that, but when we question him or bring up an issue we get auto associated with the fire crowd or that we hate him etc.
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by glorydayz:
It really cracks me up that people on this board don't understand how football works. The head coach is responsible no matter what. So you are telling me that Kyle coached all of those things and yet they still happened which would mean that his players don't listen to him (which would be a whole different issue).

What do you get when you read this: "Your either coaching it, or you're allowing it".

There is nothing wrong with "accountability", accountability is relevant today the same way it was back in 1981.

It's dumb as s**t. So Andy Reid was just a horrible coach for 20 years…just a fat sucky loser apparently. Crazy how his world changed when he was handed mahomes.

Mcvay just another spiked hair loser who couldn't score more than 3pts in a SB. Wild he got Stafford and he actually won? Who would have thought that?

Even Bill didn't win s**t without his GOAT. Losing record in fact. Sean Payton blows without Brees. Tomlin isn't wining s**t without his HOF QB etc etc

Point is players matter, any logical person understands that.

Those are all choices (made by coaches), part of the game. Andy actually took a QB (Mahomes) that Shanahan passed on, so what does that say about Shanahan? Bill Walsh didn't have to draft Montana, he chose to. McVay didn't ave to trade for Stafford, he chose to. Shanahan didn't have to draft Beathard, trade for Jimmy G, trade 3 picks for Trey Lance, or draft Purdy in the 7th with the last pick. These were all choices which is part of a Head Coaches job if he controls the roster.

One of the biggest head coaching decisions in nfl history came when a QB that was taken with the #1 overall pick got hurt and a young 6th round pick came in and made it tough on the coach to go back to his FQB. This was the case with Belichick choosing Brady over Bledsoe.

Coaching decisions matter, go look at all the great QB's who went on to other teams and stopped winning super bowls after leaving their super star head coach.

It's pointless. The great Kyle defenders don't process facts at face value. They twist them and manipulate them to fit their narrative.
1. players matter
2. coaching decisions on and off the field matter
3. Roster decisions matter
4. team culture matters
It all matters.
Who is responsible for taking all that matters and turning it into a successful team? Where does the buck stop? The HC. Who gets credit when they win? The HC. Who gets the blame for losing? The HC. If you are entrusted with the entire offense and you call all the plays and those plays are poor choices who deserves the criticism? The coach. 3 superbowls , same coach, same result. He indeed deserves the criticism and doubt that he can overcome.

Idiotic crap! "process facts at face value'? Manipulate them to fit a narrative? LOL. Do you guys even read what you're posting? As the OC in ATL he had his team up by 29 points. FACT. The DC lost that lead, but he's not getting blamed for that. NO, it's Kyles fault. You rant about how it all falls on the HC's desk, but fail to blame the HC in ATL. Why? Because you want it to be Kyle's fault, because that's your agenda! To throw dirt on KS. This whole KS can't win is a clown show put on by clowns that believe that they know better than those whose profession is to play, coach and manage this team and game. A bunch of UTUBE geniuses that are so sure that they understand the game better than those that do this for a living. What's so funny about all of this is that these anti-kyle folks really think they are smarter than the coaches that do this job full time. Idiots on parade.
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by MucketyMuck:
Originally posted by SmokeyJoe:
Originally posted by MucketyMuck:
He also has Super Bowl rings. It's really sad how our fan base is happy with and celebrate 2nd place this day and age. It's somewhat insulting as far as as what makes this team so prestige.. Maybe I'm just getting senile and need to accept that 2nd place is what we should strive for these days. You don't become an all time great by not winning Super Bowls. Now our fans all hurt celebrate it.

It was super celebratory here after the Super Bowl, no doubt.

Not wanting to fire a great coach, or hold him as a primary reason for losing = / = celebrating disappointing endings to playoff runs.
Are you guys not here all but telling us that we should accept 2nd place and being critical of losing again is unacceptable?! Is that not literally what you guys are doing? That's what I see.

I've never once personally said he should be fired. He is a damn fine coach and there is nobody I'd really replace him with but for all his greatness there are some glaring weaknesses when it comes down to it. We've explained ad nauseum those things so it's pointless at this stage to bring it up but I will bring up again that when it all came down to it...all three phases of our game failed when we had it in the bag. All 3... Just like the time before. Just like when all he needed was another first down in Atlanta.
if you don't want to accept it you can go be a chiefs fan

All three phases didn't fail. If they did, we wouldn't have been leading in the game at all. it was a couple of fluke plays that cost us the game. not the coach

Special teams missed a kick and fumbled.
Offense had a chance to win it and failed.
Defense had a chance to win it and failed.

I'm not sure what you mean.
[ Edited by MucketyMuck on Jul 3, 2024 at 10:32 AM ]
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
Tbh I don't care about Atlanta much, but to think he won't be analyzed for teams he was a part of is wrong. It's natural imo and fair game. ( Not that I agree with others conclusions btw lol)

I know steeler fans who hate Tomlin and eagles fans who hated Reid. I really don't know many west coast fans because I live on East coast.

Again, there's two loud groups in here. The fire crowd. And the Kyle's a god now kiss his feet and be happy because it could be worse crowd. Both are silly imo

I and many others (including you tbh) aren't saying fire him or anything like that, but when we question him or bring up an issue we get auto associated with the fire crowd or that we hate him etc.

I don't think there's a single person in here that's said Kyle is a god. Folks are saying he's a damn good HC who's won a ton of games, made an awesome roster and has them in the running to win it every yr.

Absolutely there's room to critique him along with every single player on this team.

What we're all saying is it's not black and white. It's not you're great or you blow. There's a s**t ton of context that comes with wins and loses. Some folks won't even attempt to acknowledge that for obvious bias narratives….I wasn't really saying you in particular, it was more a general statement. Also I know you don't care about ATL, BUT the couple ridiculous posters saying he lost the SB and then use well he's the leader of SF so it's all falls on him shtick…it contradicts whatever pt they're trying to make and proves they're just emotional bias fans who are lazy.
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Jul 3, 2024 at 10:38 AM ]
  • Koldo
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  • Posts: 4,001
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Fools trying to compare Kyle Chokehan to the great Bill Walsh when he can't even hold George Seifert's jockstrap.

the only fool is you thinking Seifert was better. look at Siefert's Panther record to see how good of a HC he was without the talent he inherited from Walsh. and his s**tty leadership likely cost the Niners more titles by running Joe out of town. thanks for confirming you know f**k all.

OMG, Seifert couldn't turn what was basically still an expansion team into a dinasty!

I do agree that he made some awful decisions, namely, trading Haley to the Cowboys, but that's comparable to giving away three first round picks for a high school level QB.

Please don't forget the most important fact:

Seifert 2-0
Shanahan 0-2

Originally posted by Koldo:
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Fools trying to compare Kyle Chokehan to the great Bill Walsh when he can't even hold George Seifert's jockstrap.

the only fool is you thinking Seifert was better. look at Siefert's Panther record to see how good of a HC he was without the talent he inherited from Walsh. and his s**tty leadership likely cost the Niners more titles by running Joe out of town. thanks for confirming you know f**k all.

OMG, Seifert couldn't turn what was basically still an expansion team into a dinasty!

I do agree that he made some awful decisions, namely, trading Haley to the Cowboys, but that's comparable to giving away three first round picks for a high school level QB.

Please don't forget the most important fact:

Seifert 2-0
Shanahan 0-2

Still trolling I see
Originally posted by MucketyMuck:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by MucketyMuck:
Originally posted by SmokeyJoe:
Originally posted by MucketyMuck:
He also has Super Bowl rings. It's really sad how our fan base is happy with and celebrate 2nd place this day and age. It's somewhat insulting as far as as what makes this team so prestige.. Maybe I'm just getting senile and need to accept that 2nd place is what we should strive for these days. You don't become an all time great by not winning Super Bowls. Now our fans all hurt celebrate it.

It was super celebratory here after the Super Bowl, no doubt.

Not wanting to fire a great coach, or hold him as a primary reason for losing = / = celebrating disappointing endings to playoff runs.
Are you guys not here all but telling us that we should accept 2nd place and being critical of losing again is unacceptable?! Is that not literally what you guys are doing? That's what I see.

I've never once personally said he should be fired. He is a damn fine coach and there is nobody I'd really replace him with but for all his greatness there are some glaring weaknesses when it comes down to it. We've explained ad nauseum those things so it's pointless at this stage to bring it up but I will bring up again that when it all came down to it...all three phases of our game failed when we had it in the bag. All 3... Just like the time before. Just like when all he needed was another first down in Atlanta.
if you don't want to accept it you can go be a chiefs fan

All three phases didn't fail. If they did, we wouldn't have been leading in the game at all. it was a couple of fluke plays that cost us the game. not the coach

Special teams missed a kick and fumbled.
Offense had a chance to win it and failed.
Defense had a chance to win it and failed.

I'm not sure what you mean.
When did the offense fail, winning the entire game and took the lead in OT, lol

these new bandwagon fans are worse than raider fans .. sheesh
Originally posted by Koldo:
OMG, Seifert couldn't turn what was basically still an expansion team into a dinasty!

I do agree that he made some awful decisions, namely, trading Haley to the Cowboys, but that's comparable to giving away three first round picks for a high school level QB.

Please don't forget the most important fact:

Seifert 2-0
Shanahan 0-2

Kyle took what was an expansion team level roster and put it in the SB in 3 years with an average QB. Why couldn't George do that with Carolina?
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by Koldo:
OMG, Seifert couldn't turn what was basically still an expansion team into a dinasty!

I do agree that he made some awful decisions, namely, trading Haley to the Cowboys, but that's comparable to giving away three first round picks for a high school level QB.

Please don't forget the most important fact:

Seifert 2-0
Shanahan 0-2

Kyle took what was an expansion team level roster and put it in the SB in 3 years with an average QB. Why couldn't George do that with Carolina?
Because facts! Lol
  • Koldo
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 4,001
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by Koldo:
OMG, Seifert couldn't turn what was basically still an expansion team into a dinasty!

I do agree that he made some awful decisions, namely, trading Haley to the Cowboys, but that's comparable to giving away three first round picks for a high school level QB.

Please don't forget the most important fact:

Seifert 2-0
Shanahan 0-2

Kyle took what was an expansion team level roster and put it in the SB in 3 years with an average QB. Why couldn't George do that with Carolina?

Yeah... no

(Edit: it was a bad roster but not an expansion team level roster)
[ Edited by Koldo on Jul 3, 2024 at 11:11 AM ]

Originally posted by Koldo:
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by Koldo:
OMG, Seifert couldn't turn what was basically still an expansion team into a dinasty!

I do agree that he made some awful decisions, namely, trading Haley to the Cowboys, but that's comparable to giving away three first round picks for a high school level QB.

Please don't forget the most important fact:

Seifert 2-0
Shanahan 0-2

Kyle took what was an expansion team level roster and put it in the SB in 3 years with an average QB. Why couldn't George do that with Carolina?

Yeah... no

(Edit: it was a bad roster but not an expansion team level roster)
So you're confirming our 2017 roster was worse,
Originally posted by Koldo:
Yeah... no

(Edit: it was a bad roster but not an expansion team level roster)

Steve Beurlein Fred Lane/Tim Biakabatuka Muhsin Muhammad Wesley Walls Michael Barrow Kevin Greene Mike Minter Eric Davis

Yah 99 Panthers was more talented than the 2017 49ers Kyle inherited.
Originally posted by eastie:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by glorydayz:
It really cracks me up that people on this board don't understand how football works. The head coach is responsible no matter what. So you are telling me that Kyle coached all of those things and yet they still happened which would mean that his players don't listen to him (which would be a whole different issue).

What do you get when you read this: "Your either coaching it, or you're allowing it".

There is nothing wrong with "accountability", accountability is relevant today the same way it was back in 1981.

It's dumb as s**t. So Andy Reid was just a horrible coach for 20 years…just a fat sucky loser apparently. Crazy how his world changed when he was handed mahomes.

Mcvay just another spiked hair loser who couldn't score more than 3pts in a SB. Wild he got Stafford and he actually won? Who would have thought that?

Even Bill didn't win s**t without his GOAT. Losing record in fact. Sean Payton blows without Brees. Tomlin isn't wining s**t without his HOF QB etc etc

Point is players matter, any logical person understands that.

Those are all choices (made by coaches), part of the game. Andy actually took a QB (Mahomes) that Shanahan passed on, so what does that say about Shanahan? Bill Walsh didn't have to draft Montana, he chose to. McVay didn't ave to trade for Stafford, he chose to. Shanahan didn't have to draft Beathard, trade for Jimmy G, trade 3 picks for Trey Lance, or draft Purdy in the 7th with the last pick. These were all choices which is part of a Head Coaches job if he controls the roster.

One of the biggest head coaching decisions in nfl history came when a QB that was taken with the #1 overall pick got hurt and a young 6th round pick came in and made it tough on the coach to go back to his FQB. This was the case with Belichick choosing Brady over Bledsoe.

Coaching decisions matter, go look at all the great QB's who went on to other teams and stopped winning super bowls after leaving their super star head coach.

It's pointless. The great Kyle defenders don't process facts at face value. They twist them and manipulate them to fit their narrative.
1. players matter
2. coaching decisions on and off the field matter
3. Roster decisions matter
4. team culture matters
It all matters.
Who is responsible for taking all that matters and turning it into a successful team? Where does the buck stop? The HC. Who gets credit when they win? The HC. Who gets the blame for losing? The HC. If you are entrusted with the entire offense and you call all the plays and those plays are poor choices who deserves the criticism? The coach. 3 superbowls , same coach, same result. He indeed deserves the criticism and doubt that he can overcome.

Idiotic crap! "process facts at face value'? Manipulate them to fit a narrative? LOL. Do you guys even read what you're posting? As the OC in ATL he had his team up by 29 points. FACT. The DC lost that lead, but he's not getting blamed for that. NO, it's Kyles fault. You rant about how it all falls on the HC's desk, but fail to blame the HC in ATL. Why? Because you want it to be Kyle's fault, because that's your agenda! To throw dirt on KS. This whole KS can't win is a clown show put on by clowns that believe that they know better than those whose profession is to play, coach and manage this team and game. A bunch of UTUBE geniuses that are so sure that they understand the game better than those that do this for a living. What's so funny about all of this is that these anti-kyle folks really think they are smarter than the coaches that do this job full time. Idiots on parade.

Its very simple. How many Super Bowl appearances does Kyle have? What is his record? These are indeed facts. You can't dismiss them as hard as you try. What happened in those games? Did leads get blown? Did Kyle participate in the decision making for all 3? Again facts. You refuse to acknowledge facts. Yes, all your retorts start with trying to explain away facts. 0-3. Is a fact is it not?
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Its very simple. How many Super Bowl appearances does Kyle have? What is his record? These are indeed facts. You can't dismiss them as hard as you try. What happened in those games? Did leads get blown? Did Kyle participate in the decision making for all 3? Again facts. You refuse to acknowledge facts. Yes, all your retorts start with trying to explain away facts. 0-3. Is a fact is it not?

Why is the Head Coach of the Falcons not ultimately responsible?
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Its very simple. How many Super Bowl appearances does Kyle have? What is his record? These are indeed facts. You can't dismiss them as hard as you try. What happened in those games? Did leads get blown? Did Kyle participate in the decision making for all 3? Again facts. You refuse to acknowledge facts. Yes, all your retorts start with trying to explain away facts. 0-3. Is a fact is it not?

Why is the Head Coach of the Falcons not ultimately responsible?
Who said he wasn't. ? This is about Kyle our HC.. did the atl hc go on to blow two more leads in two more superbowls? No. The pattern of loss followed Kyle. Why is that so hard for people to understand?
[ Edited by Bringbackedjr on Jul 3, 2024 at 11:30 AM ]
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