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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Its very simple. How many Super Bowl appearances does Kyle have? What is his record? These are indeed facts. You can't dismiss them as hard as you try. What happened in those games? Did leads get blown? Did Kyle participate in the decision making for all 3? Again facts. You refuse to acknowledge facts. Yes, all your retorts start with trying to explain away facts. 0-3. Is a fact is it not?

Why is the Head Coach of the Falcons not ultimately responsible?
Who said he wasn't. ? This is about Kyle our HC.. did the atl hc go on to blow two more leads in two more superbowls? No. The pattern of loss followed Kyle. I by is that so hard for people to understand?
lol , you can't answer it either
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Who said he wasn't. ? This is about Kyle our HC.. did the atl hc go on to blow two more leads in two more superbowls? No. The pattern of loss followed Kyle. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

Really? Which SB featured a 28-6 blown lead?
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Who said he wasn't. ? This is about Kyle our HC.. did the atl hc go on to blow two more leads in two more superbowls? No. The pattern of loss followed Kyle. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

YOU said he wasn't lol. You've said Kyle was the reason they lost. Not once have you said Dan Quinn is responsible for the loss BECAUSE he's the HC. Not once…you know why? Because it waters down your point. It diminishes your point, which is crap.

You built some narrative that the HC is the only reason a team wins or loses. There's no room for context in your mind. How in the world do you expect anyone to take you serious with a statement like that?
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Jul 3, 2024 at 11:48 AM ]
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Who said he wasn't. ? This is about Kyle our HC.. did the atl hc go on to blow two more leads in two more superbowls? No. The pattern of loss followed Kyle. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

Really? Which SB featured a 28-6 blown lead?
3 games. 3 blown leads. Try to follow along.
Which coach has managed to only generate 12 points in the 4th quarter ( cumulative by the way) of 3 superbowls?
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
3 games. 3 blown leads. Try to follow along.
Which coach has managed to only generate 12 points in the 4th quarter ( cumulative by the way) of 3 superbowls?

Against 2 all time QBs.

Did Sam Wyche choke vs the 9ers?
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Who said he wasn't. ? This is about Kyle our HC.. did the atl hc go on to blow two more leads in two more superbowls? No. The pattern of loss followed Kyle. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

YOU said he wasn't lol. You've said Kyle was the reason they lost. Not once have you said Dan Quinn is responsible for the loss BECAUSE he's the HC. Not once…you know why? Because it waters down your point. It diminishes your point, which is crap.

You built some narrative that the HC is the only reason a team wins or loses. There's no room for context in your mind. How in the world do you expect anyone to take you serious with a statement like that?

Never have I said that. I said Kyle deserves the criticism he gets for losing. I said he is responsible. I never said he was the only one responsible.
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Against 2 all time QBs.

Did Sam Wyche choke vs the 9ers?

Epic choke by Sam Wyche.

Super clutch coaching by Walsh to break Tim Krumrie's leg early in that game too.
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Who said he wasn't. ? This is about Kyle our HC.. did the atl hc go on to blow two more leads in two more superbowls? No. The pattern of loss followed Kyle. Why is that so hard for people to understand?

YOU said he wasn't lol. You've said Kyle was the reason they lost. Not once have you said Dan Quinn is responsible for the loss BECAUSE he's the HC. Not once…you know why? Because it waters down your point. It diminishes your point, which is crap.

You built some narrative that the HC is the only reason a team wins or loses. There's no room for context in your mind. How in the world do you expect anyone to take you serious with a statement like that?

Never have I said that. I said Kyle deserves the criticism he gets for losing. I said he is responsible. I never said he was the only one responsible.
lol clown post
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Steve Beurlein Fred Lane/Tim Biakabatuka Muhsin Muhammad Wesley Walls Michael Barrow Kevin Greene Mike Minter Eric Davis

Yah 99 Panthers was more talented than the 2017 49ers Kyle inherited.

the niners roster prior to kyle joining was one of the worst ever, at least in team history

kyle even said it to jed straight up in his interview
[ Edited by DonnieDarko on Jul 3, 2024 at 12:55 PM ]
  • Giedi
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  • Posts: 32,612
Originally posted by Sickaa:
Originally posted by Giedi:
The trend, for Kyle, I think is up. First Superbowl, he was up by 28 and lost. Then the next, by 10 and lost, and then up by 3 and lost. At least the trend is more towards getting those losing margins shorter and shorter. At some point, he'll get past break even point.

Once he gets those 4th Q figured out, we'll be winning super bowls like it's the 80s

Yes, the all important 4th Quarter. There is a reason Walsh had hall of famers on the defensive line and defensive back positions.

  • Giedi
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  • Posts: 32,612
Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by maximusdecimus:
No amount of excuses will change the FACT that kyle is a super choke artist. A grade A choker, until he's not.

Plenty of time for Kyle to win a couple of Superbowl's. Walsh was still an offensive coordinator at Kyle's age.

How did Walsh do once he got an opportunity to be a head coach?

He got Joe Purdy and won a ton of games.
How do you go 8-4 in the postseason and be considered a coach that can't win big games? So are only SB's considered a big game? What about Wildcard games? Divisional RD games? Conference championship games? Those aren't considered big games? There can only be one SB winner. So every coach who loses the SB is considered a choker? Also the coach can only call the plays, the players are the ones who have to execute them. I find it funny that every play that doesn't work it's the coaches fault.
Originally posted by JTB1974:
How do you go 8-4 in the postseason and be considered a coach that can't win big games? So are only SB's considered a big game? What about Wildcard games? Divisional RD games? Conference championship games? Those aren't considered big games? There can only be one SB winner. So every coach who loses the SB is considered a choker? Also the coach can only call the plays, the players are the ones who have to execute them. I find it funny that every play that doesn't work it's the coaches fault.

No only Kyle is the choker. The 2012 Baltimore Ravens were unbeatable. So were every other SB winner besides the 2016 Patriots and the 2019 and 2023 Chiefs.
Originally posted by MucketyMuck:

Expand it and you may see the Chiefs on there…
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by glorydayz:
It really cracks me up that people on this board don't understand how football works. The head coach is responsible no matter what. So you are telling me that Kyle coached all of those things and yet they still happened which would mean that his players don't listen to him (which would be a whole different issue).

What do you get when you read this: "Your either coaching it, or you're allowing it".

There is nothing wrong with "accountability", accountability is relevant today the same way it was back in 1981.

It's dumb as s**t. So Andy Reid was just a horrible coach for 20 years…just a fat sucky loser apparently. Crazy how his world changed when he was handed mahomes.

Mcvay just another spiked hair loser who couldn't score more than 3pts in a SB. Wild he got Stafford and he actually won? Who would have thought that?

Even Bill didn't win s**t without his GOAT. Losing record in fact. Sean Payton blows without Brees. Tomlin isn't wining s**t without his HOF QB etc etc

Point is players matter, any logical person understands that.

Those are all choices (made by coaches), part of the game. Andy actually took a QB (Mahomes) that Shanahan passed on, so what does that say about Shanahan? Bill Walsh didn't have to draft Montana, he chose to. McVay didn't ave to trade for Stafford, he chose to. Shanahan didn't have to draft Beathard, trade for Jimmy G, trade 3 picks for Trey Lance, or draft Purdy in the 7th with the last pick. These were all choices which is part of a Head Coaches job if he controls the roster.

One of the biggest head coaching decisions in nfl history came when a QB that was taken with the #1 overall pick got hurt and a young 6th round pick came in and made it tough on the coach to go back to his FQB. This was the case with Belichick choosing Brady over Bledsoe.

Coaching decisions matter, go look at all the great QB's who went on to other teams and stopped winning super bowls after leaving their super star head coach.

It's pointless. The great Kyle defenders don't process facts at face value. They twist them and manipulate them to fit their narrative.
1. players matter
2. coaching decisions on and off the field matter
3. Roster decisions matter
4. team culture matters
It all matters.
Who is responsible for taking all that matters and turning it into a successful team? Where does the buck stop? The HC. Who gets credit when they win? The HC. Who gets the blame for losing? The HC. If you are entrusted with the entire offense and you call all the plays and those plays are poor choices who deserves the criticism? The coach. 3 superbowls , same coach, same result. He indeed deserves the criticism and doubt that he can overcome.

You all just love to hear yourselves talk. It's hilarious. Say the same stupid sh*t just painted differently and await someone else to pat you on the head and agree with your dumb take.

Every time I ask one of you lot to point to specific plays where Kyle choked all I get back is "lOoK aT tHe fAcTs! 0-3!!!!"

Every HC out there needs some luck to a degree. That comes with winning games and making personnel decisions. Had the 49ers not made the stupid OJ Simpson trade then Phil Simms would've been a 49er and not Joe Montana. Who knows how that affects history.

Had Bledsoe never gotten hurt maybe Brady never gets his chance.

We know what Andy Reid's plan was for replacing Alex Smith and Denver ruined it so Veach talked him into Mahomes the next year after they settled for Chris Jones in a trade back.

Yes the Lance move was a major mistake and Kyle got lucky to get Purdy and yet it's not much different than what happened with Walsh, Belichick and Reid. Three HC who found themselves with a dynasty on their hands.

With all the mistakes, Kyle Shanahan has put together one of the best rosters in the NFL and has won a lot of games and created a wonderful team culture that people keep talking about even when they leave the team. Former players rave about Kyle as a coach and the attention to detail and knowledge of the game he has.

But sure you all know the man better and he's an arrogant choker who will never win the SB.
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