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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

Originally posted by GoreGoreGore:
Anyone won this argument yet?

Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by eastie:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Never have I said that. I said Kyle deserves the criticism he gets for losing. I said he is responsible. I never said he was the only one responsible.

OMG stop it lol. There's a massive difference between criticizing and blaming everything on one person.

You not acknowledging that players pay a massive impact in wins and losses is the problem.

Where's the criticism of CMC and his RZ fumble? Where's the criticism for TW getting called for holding? How about missed extra point? Where's the criticism for Kittle/Deebo/Bosa etc being basically ghosts? Brock missing his hot read? How about Jimmy overthrowing sanders on what could have been a game winner? That's just our highly paid players…not even bringing up the role players that f**ked up at impactful moments.

you criticized ONE part of this team, totally disregard the players, their role, and the actual fact that Kyle has been part of putting together a damn good team.

If you can't talk about the whole picture good/bad it's not criticizing, it's just being an annoying whiner who doesn't understand how football works.
I have a full understanding of how football works. His performance as a coach depends on execution on the field. We all get that. You are not uncovering some hidden secret with that. What his players do or don't do is ultimately how he gets evaluated. The result is what counts. When his career is over and his legacy is discussed, what will people say? What will he be evaluated on? His record. They will not qualify an opinion on his career with excuses for what could have been if this player did this or that. Get real. He has built a great roster and a winning team. I appreciate that. He is a good coach but he is also a superbowl choker. That will not change until he wins one.

i don't give a crap about what could have or should have been. I only care about the result. I don't fault you for seeing it differently. I respect it.

LOL! "I have a full understanding of how football works." Except when you don't. "On any given Sunday"

On Any given Sunday you say. Ok. Thanks for adding such depth to the conversation. Ok fans, let's not hold any coach accountable because…. On any given Sunday anything can happen. Play calling, strategy and team discipline don't matter. Why? Because on any given Sunday anything is possible. Well , almost anything.. Kyle knows what hasn't happened for him on a very special Sunday.
Bro, you can't point to a single post from me that says the HC is not accountable. I posted the 'any given Sunday' because reading your posts it is clear that you are unable or unwilling to add context to your position. Any HC or OC or DC can do everything correctly to prepare his charges for the game, but the ball bounces unpredictably rendering those lessons/instructions moot. That FACT must be included in any analysis of a game. It is a factor, whether we like it or not. It's not like we're talking about a musical instrument that, once tuned, always is on point. As you wrote, play calling, team discipline, player conduct etc, it all matters, but it isn't all that matters. Your singular focus on one game, as though that is the only game, is laughable, because all the games have importance leading up to the end of season tournament.
  • Giedi
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Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Originally posted by genus49:
That "expansion" team went to the NFCCG 3 years prior to Seifert's first season there.

They were a better team across the board when he took them over than the roster Kyle took over.

3 years after Seifert took over Carolina they went 1-15 and he was fired.

3 years after Kyle took over the 49ers they went 13-3 and made the SB.

Please tell us again how much better Seifert was.


He's 2 Super Bowls better than Shanahan.

George Seifert was five years older than Kyle when he won his first superbowl as a head coach.
Omg. Now we have to wait for Kyle to mature before we hold him accountable or even criticize him. My bad. I had no idea. Just so we are all clear, how old does he have to be?

Just in case you missed it, Kyle's just got a QB that in his *rookie* year went to the NFC Championship game and in his 2nd year - the Superbowl. Joe didn't get to the Superbowl until his third year in the league. I'm optimistic about this year. You can dwell in the past if you want to, nothing wrong with that, but it will just make you more miserable.
  • Giedi
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Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by GoreGoreGore:
Anyone won this argument yet?


Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by GoreGoreGore:
Anyone won this argument yet?



Check back next year
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by eastie:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Bringbackedjr:
Never have I said that. I said Kyle deserves the criticism he gets for losing. I said he is responsible. I never said he was the only one responsible.

OMG stop it lol. There's a massive difference between criticizing and blaming everything on one person.

You not acknowledging that players pay a massive impact in wins and losses is the problem.

Where's the criticism of CMC and his RZ fumble? Where's the criticism for TW getting called for holding? How about missed extra point? Where's the criticism for Kittle/Deebo/Bosa etc being basically ghosts? Brock missing his hot read? How about Jimmy overthrowing sanders on what could have been a game winner? That's just our highly paid players…not even bringing up the role players that f**ked up at impactful moments.

you criticized ONE part of this team, totally disregard the players, their role, and the actual fact that Kyle has been part of putting together a damn good team.

If you can't talk about the whole picture good/bad it's not criticizing, it's just being an annoying whiner who doesn't understand how football works.
I have a full understanding of how football works. His performance as a coach depends on execution on the field. We all get that. You are not uncovering some hidden secret with that. What his players do or don't do is ultimately how he gets evaluated. The result is what counts. When his career is over and his legacy is discussed, what will people say? What will he be evaluated on? His record. They will not qualify an opinion on his career with excuses for what could have been if this player did this or that. Get real. He has built a great roster and a winning team. I appreciate that. He is a good coach but he is also a superbowl choker. That will not change until he wins one.

i don't give a crap about what could have or should have been. I only care about the result. I don't fault you for seeing it differently. I respect it.

LOL! "I have a full understanding of how football works." Except when you don't. "On any given Sunday"

On Any given Sunday you say. Ok. Thanks for adding such depth to the conversation. Ok fans, let's not hold any coach accountable because…. On any given Sunday anything can happen. Play calling, strategy and team discipline don't matter. Why? Because on any given Sunday anything is possible. Well , almost anything.. Kyle knows what hasn't happened for him on a very special Sunday.

Again there isn't a single person that said Kyle is above criticism. Or he doesn't hold some accountability.

You said you get what I'm saying and that there's more than just the coach…yet your whole debate is based around how the HC is the only person that's responsible for W/Ls….Which is so inaccurate, it's insane that we're still arguing over this.

If you can't factor that s**t into your equation AND talk about it, there's no debate to be had.

you talk about choker, folks would give that to Marv Levy. Goes to 4 straight SBs with one of the best QBs of all-time, stud running game/great WRs, and one of the best pass-rushers of all time. Dude loses on a missed FG. Regardless of the other 3 SB losses, that one had nothing to do with coaching. That was the player…yet you will label the HC the problem. Go to buffalo and they'll tell you what they think of Levy. He's a golden god there (Scott Norwood is another story)…they understand what a great HC is regardless if got that one win.
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Jul 5, 2024 at 5:28 AM ]
According to him guys like…

Mike McCarthy
Doug Peterson
Bruce Arians
Brian Billick
John Gruden

are better than Paul Brown, Levy, reeves, Bud Grant, Wyche etc.
Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by GoreGoreGore:
Anyone won this argument yet?

Kyle is the only person who can settle this debate. Win the SB. Silence your critics.
Has more of a monkey on his back than Steve.
Originally posted by Montana:
Has more of a monkey on his back than Steve.

I'm not sure about that. Steve immediately followed the greatest QB in franchise history that had won 4 SB. Fans still expected the team to win more so the pressure was on Steve to deliver. Now 49er fans are hoping Kyle and Brock can deliver another SB win but they aren't the dominant team that they were back when Steve played. If Dallas hadn't risen up during his time the 49ers would have likely won at least 2 more SBs.

Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
I'm not sure about that. Steve immediately followed the greatest QB in franchise history that had won 4 SB. Fans still expected the team to win more so the pressure was on Steve to deliver. Now 49er fans are hoping Kyle and Brock can deliver another SB win but they aren't the dominant team that they were back when Steve played. If Dallas hadn't risen up during his time the 49ers would have likely won at least 2 more SBs.

I was kidding some lol but the pressure is indeed, building:). Steve was going to win an SB come hell or high water.
Originally posted by Montana:
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
I'm not sure about that. Steve immediately followed the greatest QB in franchise history that had won 4 SB. Fans still expected the team to win more so the pressure was on Steve to deliver. Now 49er fans are hoping Kyle and Brock can deliver another SB win but they aren't the dominant team that they were back when Steve played. If Dallas hadn't risen up during his time the 49ers would have likely won at least 2 more SBs.

I was kidding some lol but the pressure is indeed, building:). Steve was going to win an SB come hell or high water.

Pressure always happens when you create a ridiculously good roster that has a chance to win every year….I find it funny that folks get all butt hurt about being in that situation.
  • boast
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Originally posted by Montana:
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
I'm not sure about that. Steve immediately followed the greatest QB in franchise history that had won 4 SB. Fans still expected the team to win more so the pressure was on Steve to deliver. Now 49er fans are hoping Kyle and Brock can deliver another SB win but they aren't the dominant team that they were back when Steve played. If Dallas hadn't risen up during his time the 49ers would have likely won at least 2 more SBs.

I was kidding some lol but the pressure is indeed, building:). Steve was going to win an SB come hell or high water.

took the acquisition of Deion Sanders to put them over the top in 94
Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by Montana:
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
I'm not sure about that. Steve immediately followed the greatest QB in franchise history that had won 4 SB. Fans still expected the team to win more so the pressure was on Steve to deliver. Now 49er fans are hoping Kyle and Brock can deliver another SB win but they aren't the dominant team that they were back when Steve played. If Dallas hadn't risen up during his time the 49ers would have likely won at least 2 more SBs.

I was kidding some lol but the pressure is indeed, building:). Steve was going to win an SB come hell or high water.

took the acquisition of Deion Sanders to put them over the top in 94

Deion and others as well.Eddie really opened up the wallet that year. They loaded upon older vets that were destined to be HOF layers. Most only played a year or two for the Niners. Rickey Jackson, Gary Plummer and Ken Norton Jr. were all signed that year and started most of the time on defense. They also brought in Richard Dent as a backup. on offense the signed former Giants Bart Oates at center. That's a total of 6 major free agent signings.
  • Cosmo
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Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
Originally posted by Montana:
Has more of a monkey on his back than Steve.

I'm not sure about that. Steve immediately followed the greatest QB in franchise history that had won 4 SB. Fans still expected the team to win more so the pressure was on Steve to deliver. Now 49er fans are hoping Kyle and Brock can deliver another SB win but they aren't the dominant team that they were back when Steve played. If Dallas hadn't risen up during his time the 49ers would have likely won at least 2 more SBs.

Or if they'd have simply kept Joe. 😢
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