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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

Originally posted by NinerPrideinNJ:
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Koldo:
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
I just want to win another Super Bowl 😞

It'll be nice for about a week. But then the grind begins again. It never satisfies for long. That's why one should enjoy the regular season success when it's there, too, instead of hating everyone that contributes to that success.

Regular season champions!!!

Why bother watching each week if you don't enjoy the sport and regular season wins? This isn't in place of winning the Super Bowl, but a supplement to it.

If all you care about is the Super Bowl then kindly shut the hell up until February.

Losing three straight and several championship games, at least for me, has changed that dynamic.

After 2019 all you wanted after 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2019 SB and championship losses was just one...

and then we lost 2021, 2022, and 2023 in the championship and super bowl.

Now I'm back to not caring because I've accepted they likely never will.

So this season has actually been nice through 2 weeks because I really am sorta numb to whether they win or lose now.

I do think just one super bowl win changes that. But make no mistake, we have been tortured... just the opposite end of the spectrum of torture from what is was from 2003-2010 and 2014-2018.

You get it, they don't. After we lost last year these youngins just assumed we would be right back there again, whereas us older folks know it may not happen for another 10+ years.
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
LOL now we know how "young" these posters are. They have never seen us win one. Friggin' participation trophy generation.

I remember the 1988, 1989 and 1994 teams quite well. It has nothing to do with participation trophies, but rather with not being so Super Bowl only obsessed to actually appreciate the journey without being a panicky little b***h over a Week 2 loss. I also don't define my success in life by a football team meant to bring me entertainment. If they win I am glad, if they lose I am disappointed. Then the next day my life goes on and it doesn't ultimately matter a damn thing either way. When I die no one is gonna give a damn if I saw the 49ers win another Super Bowl. "It's unfortunate that he's gone - if only his life had meaning to his loved ones and friends, but it didn't because the 49ers lost Super Bowl LVIII." What an absurd notion.

It's just entertainment, folks. Enjoy the ride. If you find yourself defining your self worth by this team you need to reevaluate things. Especially when it comes to a Week 2 road loss.
[ Edited by captveg on Sep 17, 2024 at 11:00 AM ]
Originally posted by captveg:
I remember the 1988, 1989 and 1994 teams quite well. It has nothing to do with participation trophies, but rather with not being so Super Bowl only obsessed to actually appreciate the journey without being a panicky little b***h over a Week 2 loss. I also don't define my success in life by a football team meant to bring me entertainment. If they win I am glad, if they lose I am disappointed. Then the next day my life goes on and it doesn't ultimately matter a damn thing either way. When I die no one is gonna give a damn if I saw the 49ers win another Super Bowl. "It's unfortunate that he's gone - if only his life had meaning to his loved ones and friends, but it didn't because the 49ers lost Super Bowl LVIII." What an absurd notion.

It's just entertainment, folks. Enjoy the ride. If you find yourself defining your self worth by this team you need to reevaluate things. Especially when it comes to a Week 2 road loss.

Well said. It won't land with this particular audience, but nothing you can do about it.
Karv ShannaLevy
Originally posted by socal1632:
Karv ShannaLevy

Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
LOL now we know how "young" these posters are. They have never seen us win one. Friggin' participation trophy generation.

I remember the 1988, 1989 and 1994 teams quite well. It has nothing to do with participation trophies, but rather with not being so Super Bowl only obsessed to actually appreciate the journey without being a panicky little b***h over a Week 2 loss. I also don't define my success in life by a football team meant to bring me entertainment. If they win I am glad, if they lose I am disappointed. Then the next day my life goes on and it doesn't ultimately matter a damn thing either way. When I die no one is gonna give a damn if I saw the 49ers win another Super Bowl. "It's unfortunate that he's gone - if only his life had meaning to his loved ones and friends, but it didn't because the 49ers lost Super Bowl LVIII." What an absurd notion.

It's just entertainment, folks. Enjoy the ride. If you find yourself defining your self worth by this team you need to reevaluate things. Especially when it comes to a Week 2 road loss.

All I said was I want to win a Super Bowl, and you responded that it only satisfies you for a week, just like any other game. Koldo pointed out the flaw in your logic.

You told us to "shut up until February" if we can't handle each week, but then said it's just entertainment and we should calm down. Honestly, that's one of the most ridiculous things I've heard. How do you say a Super Bowl win only lasts a week for you, but then claim to live and die by each game?

I vividly remember the Super Bowl wins in '88, '89, and '94, and they are nothing like regular season games, which I can barely recall in comparison. Super Bowls are the pinnacle of the sport.

This is a 49ers forum, so of course fans are going to post about the team's status day-to-day—that's the whole point. Telling us to "get a life" while posting here yourself makes no sense. If you want to talk about how great life is outside football, go to the parking lot or just live it.
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
LOL now we know how "young" these posters are. They have never seen us win one. Friggin' participation trophy generation.

I remember the 1988, 1989 and 1994 teams quite well. It has nothing to do with participation trophies, but rather with not being so Super Bowl only obsessed to actually appreciate the journey without being a panicky little b***h over a Week 2 loss. I also don't define my success in life by a football team meant to bring me entertainment. If they win I am glad, if they lose I am disappointed. Then the next day my life goes on and it doesn't ultimately matter a damn thing either way. When I die no one is gonna give a damn if I saw the 49ers win another Super Bowl. "It's unfortunate that he's gone - if only his life had meaning to his loved ones and friends, but it didn't because the 49ers lost Super Bowl LVIII." What an absurd notion.

It's just entertainment, folks. Enjoy the ride. If you find yourself defining your self worth by this team you need to reevaluate things. Especially when it comes to a Week 2 road loss.

All I said was I want to win a Super Bowl, and you responded that it only satisfies you for a week, just like any other game. Koldo pointed out the flaw in your logic.

You told us to "shut up until February" if we can't handle each week, but then said it's just entertainment and we should calm down. Honestly, that's one of the most ridiculous things I've heard. How do you say a Super Bowl win only lasts a week for you, but then claim to live and die by each game?

I vividly remember the Super Bowl wins in '88, '89, and '94, and they are nothing like regular season games, which I can barely recall in comparison. Super Bowls are the pinnacle of the sport.

This is a 49ers forum, so of course fans are going to post about the team's status day-to-day—that's the whole point. Telling us to "get a life" while posting here yourself makes no sense. If you want to talk about how great life is outside football, go to the parking lot or just live it.

I don't claim to live and die by each game. That's my point. That's simply unhealthy, IMO. Those that are saying the sky is falling over a Week 2 loss seemingly do. The handwringing adds nothing, it doesn't change what happens in the games, and it just brings a constant whiny b***h atmosphere to following the sport.

A Super Bowl win only satisfies for a minimal time, IMO. To me it was for about a week, then it blended into the whole. I'm not saying it isn't fun to reminisce or anything, but people seem to think it's life changing, and I don't see that at all. Some want to win so they can brag, which I've always found a strange notion. It's not like I respect Chiefs fans right now as superior to myself because they cheer for a team that won the championship last year. Why would anyone do the same for me if my team won? It's all a little too silly to take as serious as some do here.

I frankly have just as fond of memories over following the 2011, 2019 and 2023 teams as I do the 1994 team. Some here consider any fond memories of those "loser" teams as being a weak fan, or as said here "participation trophy" minded. I think that's a pathetic way to be a fan. I say enjoy yourself if you are investing so much time. If in 80 years there have been only five good days as a 49er fan I'd argue that math is a terrible return on investment. It's okay to enjoy regular season wins and playoff wins even in years the team doesn't win a Super Bowl. It's even okay to enjoy parts of games that end up as losses, even if the loss is obviously disappointing.

Sure, this is a fan forum, but the moaning and "woe is us" attitude just drains the fun out of it far too much to be reasonable.
[ Edited by captveg on Sep 17, 2024 at 12:53 PM ]
Lol this thread can be entertaining haha.
  • DrEll
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  • Posts: 8,733
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
LOL now we know how "young" these posters are. They have never seen us win one. Friggin' participation trophy generation.

I remember the 1988, 1989 and 1994 teams quite well. It has nothing to do with participation trophies, but rather with not being so Super Bowl only obsessed to actually appreciate the journey without being a panicky little b***h over a Week 2 loss. I also don't define my success in life by a football team meant to bring me entertainment. If they win I am glad, if they lose I am disappointed. Then the next day my life goes on and it doesn't ultimately matter a damn thing either way. When I die no one is gonna give a damn if I saw the 49ers win another Super Bowl. "It's unfortunate that he's gone - if only his life had meaning to his loved ones and friends, but it didn't because the 49ers lost Super Bowl LVIII." What an absurd notion.

It's just entertainment, folks. Enjoy the ride. If you find yourself defining your self worth by this team you need to reevaluate things. Especially when it comes to a Week 2 road loss.

Ok so you're a fair weather fan. Nothing wrong with that, I guess….
  • DrEll
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  • Posts: 8,733
Originally posted by SmokeyJoe:
Originally posted by captveg:
I remember the 1988, 1989 and 1994 teams quite well. It has nothing to do with participation trophies, but rather with not being so Super Bowl only obsessed to actually appreciate the journey without being a panicky little b***h over a Week 2 loss. I also don't define my success in life by a football team meant to bring me entertainment. If they win I am glad, if they lose I am disappointed. Then the next day my life goes on and it doesn't ultimately matter a damn thing either way. When I die no one is gonna give a damn if I saw the 49ers win another Super Bowl. "It's unfortunate that he's gone - if only his life had meaning to his loved ones and friends, but it didn't because the 49ers lost Super Bowl LVIII." What an absurd notion.

It's just entertainment, folks. Enjoy the ride. If you find yourself defining your self worth by this team you need to reevaluate things. Especially when it comes to a Week 2 road loss.

Well said. It won't land with this particular audience, but nothing you can do about it.

Well said ? lol, the irony in his post is that he claims to be a fair weather fan, but takes time out of his day to banter with other fans that probably take the sport a bit more seriously.

Man, serious thought. What happened to this fanbase ?! There was a time where it was SB or bust. I remember ppl breaking stuff in the 90s when we lost in the Divisional round And now we lose 2 SBs in five years, and the lot here are patting Shanahan on the back and making "it's ok champ, we'll try again next year".

It's become a joke of a fanbase, but I'm not surprised. For one, it's a younger crowd that probably wasn't around in the 90s, so they think we've achieved max output (see captveg posts). Two, you can tell by the empty seats on gameday because of the sun, rain, hot weather. It's a weakened fan base. Or maybe it's just the Cali crowd because I've been to Niner games in NY and the diehard fans here show up to MetLife and defend the team to the T.
  • BP13
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  • Posts: 5,865
Originally posted by DrEll:
Well said ? lol, the irony in his post is that he claims to be a fair weather fan, but takes time out of his day to banter with other fans that probably take the sport a bit more seriously.

Man, serious thought. What happened to this fanbase ?! There was a time where it was SB or bust. I remember ppl breaking stuff in the 90s when we lost in the Divisional round And now we lose 2 SBs in five years, and the lot here are patting Shanahan on the back and making "it's ok champ, we'll try again next year".

It's become a joke of a fanbase, but I'm not surprised. For one, it's a younger crowd that probably wasn't around in the 90s, so they think we've achieved max output (see captveg posts). Two, you can tell by the empty seats on gameday because of the sun, rain, hot weather. It's a weakened fan base. Or maybe it's just the Cali crowd because I've been to Niner games in NY and the diehard fans here show up to MetLife and defend the team to the T.

It's a shame we're not all as tough and hardcore as you are DrEll
you all dont get tired of all the tear production? Some people here just wanna talk about what went right and what went wrong.
Originally posted by BP13:
Originally posted by DrEll:
Well said ? lol, the irony in his post is that he claims to be a fair weather fan, but takes time out of his day to banter with other fans that probably take the sport a bit more seriously.

Man, serious thought. What happened to this fanbase ?! There was a time where it was SB or bust. I remember ppl breaking stuff in the 90s when we lost in the Divisional round And now we lose 2 SBs in five years, and the lot here are patting Shanahan on the back and making "it's ok champ, we'll try again next year".

It's become a joke of a fanbase, but I'm not surprised. For one, it's a younger crowd that probably wasn't around in the 90s, so they think we've achieved max output (see captveg posts). Two, you can tell by the empty seats on gameday because of the sun, rain, hot weather. It's a weakened fan base. Or maybe it's just the Cali crowd because I've been to Niner games in NY and the diehard fans here show up to MetLife and defend the team to the T.

It's a shame we're not all as tough and hardcore as you are DrEll
El whining and crying is the new tough and serious fan huh. lol
Originally posted by DrEll:
Originally posted by SmokeyJoe:
Originally posted by captveg:
I remember the 1988, 1989 and 1994 teams quite well. It has nothing to do with participation trophies, but rather with not being so Super Bowl only obsessed to actually appreciate the journey without being a panicky little b***h over a Week 2 loss. I also don't define my success in life by a football team meant to bring me entertainment. If they win I am glad, if they lose I am disappointed. Then the next day my life goes on and it doesn't ultimately matter a damn thing either way. When I die no one is gonna give a damn if I saw the 49ers win another Super Bowl. "It's unfortunate that he's gone - if only his life had meaning to his loved ones and friends, but it didn't because the 49ers lost Super Bowl LVIII." What an absurd notion.

It's just entertainment, folks. Enjoy the ride. If you find yourself defining your self worth by this team you need to reevaluate things. Especially when it comes to a Week 2 road loss.

Well said. It won't land with this particular audience, but nothing you can do about it.

Well said ? lol, the irony in his post is that he claims to be a fair weather fan, but takes time out of his day to banter with other fans that probably take the sport a bit more seriously.

Man, serious thought. What happened to this fanbase ?! There was a time where it was SB or bust. I remember ppl breaking stuff in the 90s when we lost in the Divisional round And now we lose 2 SBs in five years, and the lot here are patting Shanahan on the back and making "it's ok champ, we'll try again next year".

It's become a joke of a fanbase, but I'm not surprised. For one, it's a younger crowd that probably wasn't around in the 90s, so they think we've achieved max output (see captveg posts). Two, you can tell by the empty seats on gameday because of the sun, rain, hot weather. It's a weakened fan base. Or maybe it's just the Cali crowd because I've been to Niner games in NY and the diehard fans here show up to MetLife and defend the team to the T.

I never imagined someone getting triggered at a fellow fan for saying I just want to win a Super Bowl.
I know so many jets fans (I live in nyc) and they tell me they wish they saw a championship like we have. Imagine being lectured to be happy with second place or worse .... jfc 29 years bro. Insane
Originally posted by DrEll:
Well said ? lol, the irony in his post is that he claims to be a fair weather fan, but takes time out of his day to banter with other fans that probably take the sport a bit more seriously.

Man, serious thought. What happened to this fanbase ?! There was a time where it was SB or bust. I remember ppl breaking stuff in the 90s when we lost in the Divisional round And now we lose 2 SBs in five years, and the lot here are patting Shanahan on the back and making "it's ok champ, we'll try again next year".

It's become a joke of a fanbase, but I'm not surprised. For one, it's a younger crowd that probably wasn't around in the 90s, so they think we've achieved max output (see captveg posts). Two, you can tell by the empty seats on gameday because of the sun, rain, hot weather. It's a weakened fan base. Or maybe it's just the Cali crowd because I've been to Niner games in NY and the diehard fans here show up to MetLife and defend the team to the T.

I don't think you know what a fairweather fan is.

FWIW my biggest gripe with the Super Bowl or bust crowd is that they make terrible football arguments, not that they whine. You haven't been an exception, lol.
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