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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

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49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan Thread

Originally posted by Ensatsu:
I do agree that Kyle had a part in blowing that game, but yeah, Roddy is just too salty. Move on, you're pathetic

Agreed. If the defense made ONE play in the second half...just one...nobody would be talking about the non-conservative play calling in FG range. But then, after the game, if someone were to ask him, I'm sure Kyle would have said himself he probably should have dialed it back there and played for the FG (break from their ID for a moment).

But that's what makes him special...his ability to process his own calls and learn and grow from them and be humble about it. He "gets" it. IMHO he's THE best play caller in the game today and this is only going to make him better. I truly believe that.
What a b***h thing to do for Roddy.
Originally posted by PhillyNiner:
Originally posted by Rubberneck36:
I am all for Kyle calling offensive plays next year, but I am not a fan of not having an offensive coordinator.

Seems like the idea is that he sort of has two...the QB coach and RB coach are going to be big contributors to the game plan.

Its too much to handle to coordinate. Calling plays is different. Makes me wonder if the OC he wanted wasnt available, so he waited a year.
Roddy White is a b***h dick......
Roddy had beef with Kyle during his final season due to playing time. Kyle knew he just wasn't that good anymore and opted to play him less. Roddy obviously allowing his personal grudge carry over to what transpired in the super bowl. Kyle played his part in the loss but he was also a huge reason they made it there in the first place.

Roddy is just showing his ignorance and it comes across as pathetic and salty.
Roddy white is f**king stupid. Let's go back to this ONCE again. Let's say Shanny runs the ball 3 straight times when they're down there. They get stopped, pats utilize their timeouts, and send the kicker to attempt a fg. He misses it, pats drive the field to tie and then win it in ot. Now they'll b***hing about, "oh, why did shanny get so conservative when we had the ball. He should of passed it." Point is you just don't f**king know. He decided to stay aggressive which is what they've done all year. To me, the real reason they lost that game was because of their defense. It's easy to put the blame on shanny because he's no longer there. f**k you roddy and falcons fans! Your defense is trash!
Originally posted by pelos21:
Roddy white is f**king stupid. Let's go back to this ONCE again. Let's say Shanny runs the ball 3 straight times when they're down there. They get stopped, pats utilize their timeouts, and send the kicker to attempt a fg. He misses it, pats drive the field to tie and then win it in ot. Now they'll b***hing about, "oh, why did shanny get so conservative when we had the ball. He should of passed it." Point is you just don't f**king know. He decided to stay aggressive which is what they've done all year. To me, the real reason they lost that game was because of their defense. It's easy to put the blame on shanny because he's no longer there. f**k you roddy and falcons fans! Your defense is trash!

In an interview Sage Rosenfels, who was a former Shanny QB in Houston, said that if you look at that sack fumble play, a pass was actually the right call there. The Pats D was playing way up, with no S help deep, and 1 on 1 man coverage on 3 guys. If Freeman makes that block, theres a good chance they beat that D for a TD, which ends the game.
Originally posted by PhillyNiner:
Not only that but the coaches film shows clearly if the RB makes the block that play they "should have run" was going in the end zone.

yea I dont know why freeman isnt being called out more for his no attempt on that block. IMO he lost himself money that superbowl, he showed a few times that he is unwilling to pass block when needed. Execution is always more important than the call itself. That being said that loss was a team effort, shanny included by not playing it safe and poor clock management when up by so much.
I have major problems when you essentially lay the blame at the feet of the person responsible for getting you to the Super Bowl. Could Kyle have done some things differently with his play calling? Absolutely. But reality is, Atlanta is going to be a worse team without him, not better. I'm not saying they will be bad, but if they really wanna put this on Kyle, we will see how that team does in the next few seasons. Especially on defense, which is their head coach's specialty.
Someone ask Roddy White how this super bowl compares to the one he played in

Originally posted by Rubberneck36:
Its too much to handle to coordinate. Calling plays is different. Makes me wonder if the OC he wanted wasnt available, so he waited a year.

It sounds like McDaniel is the OC but without the title. I expect him to get the OC title and a big raise in coming years to try and keep him around. He's been everywhere with Kyle pretty much.
Originally posted by ninerfan4life:
Someone ask Roddy White how this super bowl compares to the one he played in

Originally posted by LifelongNiner:
I have major problems when you essentially lay the blame at the feet of the person responsible for getting you to the Super Bowl. Could Kyle have done some things differently with his play calling? Absolutely. But reality is, Atlanta is going to be a worse team without him, not better. I'm not saying they will be bad, but if they really wanna put this on Kyle, we will see how that team does in the next few seasons. Especially on defense, which is their head coach's specialty.

We blame who we want to blame. Their offense played well, but Kyle did make some mistakes that we don't want to put on him. Our offense played better (and scored more pts) in our SB, yet half this forum puts it all on the offense and Harbs. We blame who we want to blame.
lol Roddy White
Originally posted by qnnhan7:
lol Roddy White

I love how dude was like "Teams kept calling me but I kept telling them no", like an over the hill receiver with attitude problems is so heavily in demand.
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