Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Nobody is a bigger CHOKER than Shany. Lost 3 solid Super Bowls with leads. Lost multiple NFC Championship Games. Never beat Coach Andy Reid. Even Antonio Pierce can beat Andy Reid.
All Jim did was choke when he was here. Couldn't even make it to multiple SBs to lose them. Choked away the 2014 season.
If you can't say Jim was a "choker" then you have NO leg to stand on. You're blatantly deflecting and now your only issue with Kyle has been exposed as crap.
The mental gymnastics NY does to avoid admitting what the rest of the football world already knows is very entertaining. He avoids facts that prove him wrong and redirects the conversation. Whenever he is proven wrong he brings up a lack of context… he is as predictable as Kyle's offense when up by 10. 0-3 in superbowls he was either the HC or the coach responsible for calling the offensive plays. He ranks next to last in tight games. He is well known for mismanaging games and his time management is sloppy at best. He drafts recklessly. He has no offensive coordinator because he thinks he can do it all. Two years running our defense and special teams is an embarrassment. He refuses to change or learn from past mistakes. But NY and other shannys will hear nothing of it. It's Kyle or nothing. He does no wrong and is the messiah. The sad part is Kyle could be great. He could be what they think he already is IF he learned from mistakes and brought in stronger assistants. The stubbornness is infuriating. The guy is who he is. A very talented choker.