Originally posted by RonnieLott:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by RonnieLott:
They say a team takes on the head coaches' traits.

Kyle has a huge Ego.

We are a team full of huge Egos.

In football, ego is a dirty word.

It's too much ego and unwillingness to change. The NFL caught up to him now. He doesn't make adjustments. Just the same old stale, dumb, idiot plays that don't work anymore. He can't even beat man on man. For years in a row. What NFL coach struggles like that? It's unbelievable he is a head coach. He's useless.

Spot on SD49er, Kyle would rather lose his way than win. His Ego is massive. I mean Andy Reid made three adjustments and ran sweeps and Kyle had no answer or at very least Kyle said, "I will not try and change my defence" and Andy Reid just kept pilling on the same thing and Kyle didn't change, nothing.

Kyle just watched like a petulant child who has had his ice cream taken away from him.

Yeah I agree.