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The Uniform Thread

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Originally posted by Scottie15:
Wish they had the gd inlays in the numbering like in the 90s:

I may be in the minority here, but I was not a big fan of those. Maybe it was the gold pants idk. Meh
[ Edited by wailers15 on Oct 26, 2019 at 8:08 PM ]
  • mayo49
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Originally posted by wailers15:
Originally posted by Scottie15:
Wish they had the gd inlays in the numbering like in the 90s:

I may be in the minority here, but I was not a big fan of those. Maybe it was the gold pants idk. Meh

Those jerseys are horrid - I've never liked them.
Originally posted by Scottie15:
Wish they had the gd inlays in the numbering like in the 90s:

Those uniforms will always hold a special place in my heart. But our current ones are just superior in every way
I just digged the gold inlay on the numbering, plus the block shadowing.
Originally posted by wailers15:
Originally posted by Scottie15:
Wish they had the gd inlays in the numbering like in the 90s:

I may be in the minority here, but I was not a big fan of those. Maybe it was the gold pants idk. Meh
I wasn't either. But I think it's because I associate those jerseys with when everything began to go wrong. I like the classic look (80s jerseys) or 1950s throwbacks best.
as long as they keep winning, they could wear all rainbow colored jerseys.
Originally posted by LifelongNiner:
Originally posted by wailers15:
Originally posted by Scottie15:
Wish they had the gd inlays in the numbering like in the 90s:

I may be in the minority here, but I was not a big fan of those. Maybe it was the gold pants idk. Meh
I wasn't either. But I think it's because I associate those jerseys with when everything began to go wrong. I like the classic look (80s jerseys) or 1950s throwbacks best.

Yeah, the only positive memories really associated with those uniforms are the Catch 2 WC game against GB, and the Giants WC comeback in 2002. The rest is just muddy Packers losses, Garrison Hearst's injury, Steve Young's career ender, T.O. dismantling the Garcia era, Terry Donahue, Dennis Erickson, and Mike Nolan.

I loved the 1996 50th anniversary version with white pants and gold outlines on the names, but 97-09 was a pretty depressing era.
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by LifelongNiner:
Originally posted by wailers15:
+ Show all quotes
I may be in the minority here, but I was not a big fan of those. Maybe it was the gold pants idk. Meh
I wasn't either. But I think it's because I associate those jerseys with when everything began to go wrong. I like the classic look (80s jerseys) or 1950s throwbacks best.

Yeah, the only positive memories really associated with those uniforms are the Catch 2 WC game against GB, and the Giants WC comeback in 2002. The rest is just muddy Packers losses, Garrison Hearst's injury, Steve Young's career ender, T.O. dismantling the Garcia era, Terry Donahue, Dennis Erickson, and Mike Nolan.

I loved the 1996 50th anniversary version with white pants and gold outlines on the names, but 97-09 was a pretty depressing era.

Also, the uniforms were hideous. Sans omission of the third stripe, which is probably a branding issue, the current uniforms are perfect.
  • mayo49
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That Young jersey is hideous.
Originally posted by Niners99:
Yeah, the only positive memories really associated with those uniforms are the Catch 2 WC game against GB, and the Giants WC comeback in 2002. The rest is just muddy Packers losses, Garrison Hearst's injury, Steve Young's career ender, T.O. dismantling the Garcia era, Terry Donahue, Dennis Erickson, and Mike Nolan.

I loved the 1996 50th anniversary version with white pants and gold outlines on the names, but 97-09 was a pretty depressing era.

They wore white pants for 96-97, switched to gold pants in 98 and kept them thereafter IIRC
Originally posted by swayze:
Originally posted by Niners99:
Yeah, the only positive memories really associated with those uniforms are the Catch 2 WC game against GB, and the Giants WC comeback in 2002. The rest is just muddy Packers losses, Garrison Hearst's injury, Steve Young's career ender, T.O. dismantling the Garcia era, Terry Donahue, Dennis Erickson, and Mike Nolan.

I loved the 1996 50th anniversary version with white pants and gold outlines on the names, but 97-09 was a pretty depressing era.

They wore white pants for 96-97, switched to gold pants in 98 and kept them thereafter IIRC

As time has passed, the home reds on white pants has kind of grown on me (96/97 seasons), but I do associate these with the end of the dynasty, and the dark years of the 2000s.

Also, I think the gold pants returned for week 1 in 1998 unannounced.. we had worn the white pants in the preseason
Originally posted by LayTheWoodall:
Originally posted by Raul98:
I'm really pumped up for the throwbacks Sunday but i really wish they did the 94 red jersey throwbacks at home and the all white throwbacks on the road. Why couldnt they do this?

Can't say for sure, but my best guess is they chose the road whites to be "color rush compliant"

color rush is over though
  • Crown
  • Hall of Fame
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Looked great today
Originally posted by Crown:
Looked great today

Hey Kyle, request to wear these uni's for the rest of the season please
  • Crown
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Originally posted by tohara3:
Originally posted by Crown:
Looked great today

Hey Kyle, request to wear these uni's for the rest of the season please

Hell yeah
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