Originally posted by KeepRabbitsOut:
1. In your desire to kill this thread why are you comparing this 1 partial year to 7 years?
2. Not sure why you mentioned the same team twice but am assuming you meant Titans?
3. I am not sure what metric they use for player quality but take the QB out of GB for any games and see where they sit.
4. But since you brought it up the very fact that the team is ranked by this metric in quality lost just this season in the top 4 and top 10 in games missed just highlights how badly injuries are for the team after 7 years.
5. Week 17 graph will be very interesting since a lot has changed.
6. Injuries seem to be very much just a part of the 49ers game. Especially over the past 7 years. Thank you for reminding us our dismal it is.
Fortunately the team has quality in patches that can win despite the injuries.
Cant reply to everything unless you truly want a book written,...but no sir,...you have me all wrong.
1. Desire to kill the thread? There is none.
If you were to read my posts regularly,...I'd say at most, there's a desire to kill conspiracy theories that I'll chime in with information a little closer towards the center than what's being put out there.
But dont get me wrong: If there are 100's of Qanan-type followers of
a particular conspiracy, and that conspiracy gets watered and fed on a weekly basis, I know that a few posts here or there with alternative facts are not going to turn all of them around.
However,...if 1 to 2 zombies are picked off every now and then, then it was all worth it.
I see the same kinds of stuff with how some fans & their followers view officiating.
"We never get the calls,....the other teams always get all the calls! It's like this every week!" When the reality is sometimes the officiating's just not all that great for both teams.
3. The theme of this thread has a "woe is us" vibe to it. Take GB's QB out of a game or two? That's exactly what happened,...he missed a game and they still have the best record. Our QB's missed a game or two as well. So what?
This is a brutal sport and injuries are flat out bound to happen, and it's never going to be a
fair distribution across the league in any particular year. That's just not how variables and probability work.
But does that mean I should sit here and support the suggestion of some kind of "connection" between Jimmy Ward's early career injuries and Jimmy's current injury in his thumb?
<---- This is the stuff that crosses the line for me, though you are entitled to disagree. A look at things for a year to two? Sure That's how long some guys take to heal up. But 7 years? Zap out of it, lol.
This is a professional organization operating a multi-billion dollar franchise. If there are/were simple cause and effect connections between injuries, they are dealt with plenty before we have a clue about them and things go forward.
Yes, we've had bad luck with injuries like McGlinchey, Mostert, and Kinlaw not being available. Guess what? So have alot of other teams, which evens things out a bit and IMO, isin't worth dwelling on.
6. It's dismal for virtually all 32 teams. That's the nature of this sport. It's very challenging physically, and we're talking well over 50+ players to track and keep up with as far as injuries are concerned. If it's some kind of depression thing it sets you in because of it, you've simply chosen the wrong sport to follow.
Something like table tennis would be much more relaxing on the nerves.
7. I know there was no #7,...but I'd just like to use this space to mention that data from neutral observers is extremely useful,...hence the chart from the company that compiles and follows this stuff the most (for betting purposes I'm sure).
[ Edited by random49er on Jan 5, 2022 at 1:24 PM ]