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Deebo Samuel-WR-South Carolina

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Originally posted by Sickaa:
Originally posted by RackofRibs49:
Originally posted by fropwns:
Originally posted by NotAFinga42:
Originally posted by Youngone:
just stfu if you aren't going to clear the air

*cracks knuckles*

To (be) real (with you all), (I cannot even begin) to entertain half the stuff y'all be saying. But, it do [sic--this is an error, it should be "is". Though, in slang, this usage would be fine.] be funny, though. Everybody want[s] they [sic--this is an error, should be "their"] voice to be heard about a situation (that) they know nothing about. (Folks) just be saying whatever the next person [sic--it should be, "what others are saying"). Have a blessed day, (peace or deuces).

I still think I could clean it up better but for brevity's sake and to respect his original intention, I think this is what Deebo was trying to convey.


Thanks. That actually hurt my eyes, trying to read what Deebo had to say, and yet, he still didn't clear the air lol

He basically says we the fans are all ignorant suckers who don't know anything and fools for trying to guess. Now I may be ignorant and a sucker and a fool for trying to guess but the rest of the comment is completely untrue and not called for.
cant stand this dude. trade his ass
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
Originally posted by Sickaa:
Originally posted by RackofRibs49:
Originally posted by fropwns:
Originally posted by NotAFinga42:
Originally posted by Youngone:
just stfu if you aren't going to clear the air

*cracks knuckles*

To (be) real (with you all), (I cannot even begin) to entertain half the stuff y'all be saying. But, it do [sic--this is an error, it should be "is". Though, in slang, this usage would be fine.] be funny, though. Everybody want[s] they [sic--this is an error, should be "their"] voice to be heard about a situation (that) they know nothing about. (Folks) just be saying whatever the next person [sic--it should be, "what others are saying"). Have a blessed day, (peace or deuces).

I still think I could clean it up better but for brevity's sake and to respect his original intention, I think this is what Deebo was trying to convey.


Thanks. That actually hurt my eyes, trying to read what Deebo had to say, and yet, he still didn't clear the air lol

The irony of him using social media to cryptically make his contract negotiations public ....then b***h when social media reacts..

very immature.

I highly agree. there is a serious lack of maturity on deebos part.
Thursday can't come quick enough
So Maiocco says it's personal? Ouch.
Originally posted by JoseCortez:
I highly agree. there is a serious lack of maturity on deebos part.

He's being impatient af
Originally posted by NCommand:
So Maiocco says it's personal? Ouch.

KS done CTE'd him with all those runs.. Sad.
Originally posted by NCommand:
So Maiocco says it's personal? Ouch.

Because deebo is being a b***h about it, he wants to get paid yesterday
  • mayo49
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 65,115
Originally posted by DonnieDarko:
Originally posted by JoseCortez:
I highly agree. there is a serious lack of maturity on deebos part.

He's being impatient af

What happened to this guy?
Originally posted by fropwns:
Originally posted by NotAFinga42:
Originally posted by Youngone:
just stfu if you aren't going to clear the air

*cracks knuckles*

To (be) real (with you all), (I cannot even begin) to entertain half the stuff y'all be saying. But, it do [sic--this is an error, it should be "is". Though, in slang, this usage would be fine.] be [note, if you correct the "do" and insert "is" you must remove "be" ]funny, though. Everybody want[s] they [sic--this is an error, should be "their"] voice to be heard about a situation (that) they know nothing about. (Folks) just be saying whatever the next person [sic--it should be, "what others are saying"). Have a blessed day, (peace or deuces).

I still think I could clean it up better but for brevity's sake and to respect his original intention, I think this is what Deebo was trying to convey.
Objection, Hearsay
Originally posted by mayo49:
Originally posted by DonnieDarko:
Originally posted by JoseCortez:
I highly agree. there is a serious lack of maturity on deebos part.

He's being impatient af

What happened to this guy?

Not all are as mature as warner and kittle
  • fropwns
  • #1 Greenlaw Fan
  • Posts: 27,118
Originally posted by NCommand:
So Maiocco says it's personal? Ouch.

  • cciowa
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 60,541
Originally posted by Wolf_Packer_53:
Originally posted by mayo49:
Originally posted by pete98146:
I'd take 10/35/111 and next years second without Moore in a heartbeat!

Yeah, I'd do it without Moore, too.
I'd prefer we leave Moore out of it and just draft the receiver we prefer since this draft is so deep in WR talent.

you do both. take moore and pick a kid. gotta have insurance in case the niners decide they do not want to pay brandon after his rookie deal is done. and really we got brandon.. jennings did well in a small body of work.. and thats it.. if deebo goes.. no... you ask and take moore and then draft a hot shot
Originally posted by fropwns:
Originally posted by NotAFinga42:
Originally posted by Youngone:
just stfu if you aren't going to clear the air

*cracks knuckles*

To (be) real (with you all), (I cannot even begin) to entertain half the stuff y'all be saying. But, it do [sic--this is an error, it should be "is". Though, in slang, this usage would be fine.] be [note, if you correct the "do" and insert "is" you must remove "be" ]funny, though. Everybody want[s] they [sic--this is an error, should be "their"] voice to be heard about a situation (that) they know nothing about. (Folks) just be saying whatever the next person [sic--it should be, "what others are saying"). Have a blessed day, (peace or deuces).

I still think I could clean it up better but for brevity's sake and to respect his original intention, I think this is what Deebo was trying to convey.

  • fropwns
  • #1 Greenlaw Fan
  • Posts: 27,118
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by fropwns:
Originally posted by NotAFinga42:
Originally posted by Youngone:
just stfu if you aren't going to clear the air

*cracks knuckles*

To (be) real (with you all), (I cannot even begin) to entertain half the stuff y'all be saying. But, it do [sic--this is an error, it should be "is". Though, in slang, this usage would be fine.] be [note, if you correct the "do" and insert "is" you must remove "be" ]funny, though. Everybody want[s] they [sic--this is an error, should be "their"] voice to be heard about a situation (that) they know nothing about. (Folks) just be saying whatever the next person [sic--it should be, "what others are saying"). Have a blessed day, (peace or deuces).

I still think I could clean it up better but for brevity's sake and to respect his original intention, I think this is what Deebo was trying to convey.
Objection, Hearsay

Overruled, a reasonable translation.
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