Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
So what's he insulted by if no lowball offer or #'s were thrown out like you had previously me mentioned?
Is there really any difference? A low ball offer (A.J. Brown) or no offer at all (Deebo) both say, "I don't value you."
Lol they are absolutely nothing alike
You're right. No offer could be viewed even more insulting. At least they're starting something formal with Brown.
It's ok NC, you were wrong about the lowball offer. But let's not compound it by trying to compare the Brown lowball offer to no offer yet to you Deebo lol
LOL. What the eff do you think NOT offering a contract is? No doubt the agent and Paraag are having initial talks to get a feel for how close or far apart they are.
Why would Paraag draft up a $19M official offer. LOL. What a waste of time!
I swear NC.
moving on