Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Seriously. What would Lynch and Paraag have to do with contract negotiations? And it becoming personal for a top player? I'm sure they hold zero responsibility in it.
Funny it doesn't get personal with anyone else and the deals get done. Heard absolutely nothing disparaging about how they negotiate from Sherman, I'm sure you did though lol
You gotta know who you're negotiating with. There was plenty with Kittle. But that didn't come out until the deal was done. Sherman, Buckner...Deebo, you're all approaching a different way. And per MM, the FO knew that and still pissed Deebo off to the point it became personal.
Unlike you, I'm just not going to absolve them of responsibility as well. I already hold Deebo responsible as well (and his agent).
If you, AB and All weren't personally related to John Lynch, you might see the part they play in this as well.
Nah of course you won't absolve them, you will just blame everything on them without knowing any facts whatsoever. How'd that lowball offer theory of yours pan out? 🤣