Originally posted by AB81Rules:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by SteveWallacesHelmet:read here that Warner and Kittle's extension didn't increase their cap hit in their final year
Originally posted by YACBros85:
I know that the 2 situations aren't completely the same because Rodgers would get his previous signing bonus plus the new signing bonus. However, Deebo would still get his signing bonus this year if he signed an extension because it impacts the entire length of the contract and not just the extended years.
Cant signing bonuses be spread out however they want to be though?
Warner's extension kept his 2021 salary cap number the same, Kittle's in 2020 was about $3M more, if Deebo were to extend his deal, they'd likely do what they did with Warner, since they don't have any cap room right now, or they redo Trent's deal, save $4.904M, but that'd be best done before the season, and then Deebo would get like a $15M signing bonus this year, then they could add in a $15M-$20M option bonus in 2023 that's protected, so he's GTD to get it, but if exercised, it prorates over the final years of the deal, if it's a 5yr extension, then it prorates over the final 5.
As for Rodgers, the Packers either didn't do a signing bonus, or they did back to back option bonuses, which isn't done much, or what we did with Warner, Trent, Kittle, etc.... The option bonus in year 2.
Everyone wants to bring up restructuring everyone elses deal and ignore the fact that Jimmy's contract is dead weight and the only reason why he is still on the roster is because of that injury clause. If it weren't for the injury clause, Jimmy would no longer be on the roster, the 26 million would be available and none of the past 3 weeks drama with Deebo would even exist.