I had been looking to do this for few years and the opportunity presented itself.
Anyhow the article has all the information you need to get to Edgewood park and take the correct trails. Sorry I do not know how to post any pictures.
I am just a recreational jogger so I just ran a slow pace, for the 4 miles or so in about 1.5 hours( lotsa stops).It was a beautiful day and a great workout for me. The trails are well marked and have a good dirt or gravel base for traction , ( it was wet in a few spots ) It is a uphill pull to the top so if you just want to hike it that's good also. The wild flowers are still out , it's nice and green, and the views towards the top are magnificent. You get a sense of how grueling a workout it was for the Niners who ran it.
At the parking I saw a nice car that had a License plate that read on it " I RunMountains " and the driver was proof of that as he looked to be in excellent shape.
I am bit sore today but For me it was a great experience and I recommend it to anyone.
[ Edited by highway49 on Mar 19, 2019 at 1:40 PM ]