Originally posted by ritz126:
Originally posted by DonnieDarko:
Originally posted by Fanaticofnfl:
Originally posted by okdkid:
This week is the real deadline. Would expect it gets done in the next 2-4 days.
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TJ Watt's contract got done 3 days before the Steelers' season started. And then he proceeded to win DPOY.
Just don't be surprised if it takes awhile.
Good info
big if true
also id imagine the delay has something to do with Chris Jones too both of these players will be the highest paid defensive players by the time they sign with Bosa being the highest if Chris Jones signed first I think the deal gets done a lot faster
I do think this is the issue. When you are doing a contract extension that is going to reset the market, the player's agent side always want to delay it as long as possible so they can use all of the other recent contracts as data points, and minimize the possibility that their market setting contract isn't going to be reset by a contract of another play right away. Chris Jones' contract is probably going to be an important data point for Nick to get a bit more on his contract.
But of course, the player (Bosa) can always forced the issue and tell his agent he wants to get the contract done right away, and that apparently hasn't happen yet. Not blaming him (If I am him I would have done the same), but I am just saying some players (not happen often) do just want to get is done and not worry about necesarily getting the best deal.