Originally posted by 60sFan:
Originally posted by Marvin49:
Originally posted by 60sFan:
I just don't believe the excuse of why you stopped writing. Be honest!
Honestly, I really enjoy talking to opposing fanbases. I've run into several other Niner fans on Seahawks, Panthers, and Browns boards.
But can't deny that its annoying every time I do post here I get posts from people who act like jealous girlfriends.
Others might do that. Personally, I don't care that you write on other posts. Just thought that you might have gotten a little sensitive to criticism on the Zone in the past.
Sorry 60s,
I missed this post before...
Nah, I'm not that fragile. I spend my time on opposing teams boards so it requires a pretty thick skin to begin with. I really enjoy that honestly because once you get through the self defense mechanism where they assume you are there to talk smack or kick them when their down after a Niner win, you get real conversations about the inner workings of those teams. You have to wade through homeristic "you guys haven't seen X before, this week is the test", but there are always a few posters who really engage and give pretty good insight into their squads. I could never get that here. We just don't pay that close attention to say the Browns or the Panthers.
I don't take issue with criticism, mainly because I don't put myself up on some pedestal. There are guys on this forum that know football Xs and Os WAY, WAY better than I do and their breakdowns of film are outstanding. I never pretended to be the foremost expert on anything. I've gotten some pretty ludicrous comments about how some poster isn't one of my "worshipers" or "cultists" or something of the kind (if you think that notion is ridiculous, imagine my reaction reading that), and that's why they feel justified just being an a$$. Never quite understand just how these threads became polarizing. Its really not important. LOL.
I started these posts a long time ago and people seemed to enjoy them so I kept going. Plain and simple. I post what I see. I certainly ain't always right, but I post it anyway. When I'm wrong I say so.
Outside of me becoming much more engaged in political conversations and spending time on opposing team boards (Seahawks being by far the most frequent as they are and have been our biggest rival), I do get tired of the bickering, the complaining, the irrational, and the jealous girlfriend BS.
The last one in particular. Its like they think I've BECOME a Seahawks fan or something. If they bothered to read those boards, they'd realize how laughable that notion is. If you think I get criticism HERE, you should see it THERE. LOL.
Anyway...nuff said. I didn't post here to rehash this conversation. I did so to talk football with anyone who has interest in doing so.
[ Edited by Marvin49 on Nov 7, 2019 at 9:05 PM ]