Originally posted by Kyzen:
Originally posted by cortana49:
I'm confused, is Rascal a Niners fan?
Come on man, (in my Cris Carter voice ) you know these forums are stocked full of fake ass Niner fans acting like they're fans but happy as hell when the team loses or players get hurt.
They love to predict losses and love to pick against the team and love to complain about every move the franchise makes.
Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with calling players out when they mess up, or coaches or calling out the Yorks for horrible decisions in years past and even complaining about drafting certain players, that's just part of being a fan, but if you watch close you will see at the best moments of the season, that's when these so called fans disapear, or even make excuses as to why the team won, or better yet, they predict how the team is going to fail next week.
I think there should be a thread dedicated to calling out these fake ass fans by username to shame them out of the forums completely.
All fans don't have to agree about everything and it's perfectly fine to criticize players, coaches and ownership, but when you come in and troll about and find happiness in the team losing or failing in some way, you're just acting like a piece of dog dung.