Originally posted by mitpdub:
Originally posted by SteveYoung8:
Originally posted by Rathof44:
Originally posted by _Goldblooded_:
Originally posted by MunsterShane:
Sherman going after the media in the post-game. Go Sherm
I cant believe the 180 I have done on him
You and everyone else in red and gold.
Not everyone. His unsportsmanlike conduct towards the 49ers while on the Seahaks was the worst I'd ever seen in 30+ yrs of watching professional sports. Will never forgive or forget that. When he signed with the 49ers I said I view him as a temporary "rental" player just like Deion Sanders in '94 and I stand by that. Any good he does for the 49ers is just payback for his past outrageous behavior, IMO. Given his successful career and being later in his career, you'd think he'd practice some humility and act like he's been there before but I guess his thin skin keeps his mouth running. OK, you guys can roast me now.
I hated him too, but I'm a team first guy
I think Sherm has a chip against Harbaugh for not drafting him. He took it personal.
Exactly, he HAS a chip against Harbaugh for not drafting him...STILL?? That was a decade ago. Talk about paper thin skin!! Geeesh. First of all, he's sooo upset that JH didn't draft him so I assume that means that he really admired and respected JH and was butthurt about it?? Regardless, He got the best of JH during their NFL rivalry, he proved he was a great player (minus the excessive holding reputation), won a SB and JH didn't, he's still in the NFL and JH isn't, he's now on the team that JH use to coach so what exactly is the guy STILL holding on to??
He needs to learn to let go.