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Rapid Reaction: Divisional Playoff Victory!

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Originally posted by Niners99:
So many "expert" takes are completely retarded. 1987 has nothing to do with 2019, and Jimmy in his 8th career start opening week game in Minnesota with a much worse roster 32 games ago has nothing to do with right now. Nate Burleson picked Minnesota because he said "all Garoppolo remembers about facing the Vikings is throwing 3 picks and losing, so that will haunt him." Derp.


The past is just that - the past! Done and over.

Especially great to rub in Burleson's face.
Originally posted by Jiks:

Originally posted by Snitch:
Originally posted by Joshuar56:
I don't know why anyone even still brings up 87...
every time the 9ers have faced the Vikings in the playoffs since they've wrecked them. If I'm a Vikings fan I'm sick of seeing San Fran.

Tony Dungy brought it up as to why he was picking the Vikings. WFT does 32 years ago have to do with today? We beat the sh-t out of them in 88 and 89 anyways?

My son and I said the same thing. Lots of haters came out of the 80s and 90s ....
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